Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to refer to the reply given to USQ No. 2975 on the 30th March, 2012 and state:

(a) the reasons for difference in the payment made to all the Non-Governmental Organisations for organising eye camps, making payment only for one year against the outstanding of several years and the discrepancy in the amount of payment along with the reasons for paying special attention to certain NGOs and neglecting others;

(b) the details of the proposal of the Government to ensure timely payment of grants to all the NGOs; and

(c) the total outstanding/remaining amount of NGOs including one from Madhubani along with the time by which these are likely to be paid?

Answer given by the minister


(a): National Programme for Control of Blindness (NPCB) is a decentralized scheme under implementation through State/District Health Societies functioning in the States. Identification of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and release of grant to them for the activities undertaken by them are undertaken by the respective State/District Health Society.

Under NPCB, the grant-in-aid for Cataract operation is fixed at Rs.750/- per Cataract operation. The payment is made by the District authorities as per NPCB guidelines and deduction is made according to the facility provided by the concerned NGOs (for example, if the lens is supplied by district authorities then the amount of Rs.200/- is deducted per lens provided). The break- up of Rs.750/- is given below:

No.	(in rupees)	(in rupees)
1	Drugs and Consumables	200	200
2	Sutures	50	0
3	Spectacles	125	125
4	Transport/POL	100	100
5	Organization & Publicity 75	75
6	IOL, Viscoelastics & 200	250	additional consumables	Total	750	750
Further, payment of Cataract Operations depends upon, submission of Cataract Surgical Records in the prescribed format by the concerned NGOs and physical verification of 5% of patients who have undergone Cataract Operations by the District authorities on a monthly basis.

Director-in-Chief, Health Services, Bihar, Patna has reported that there is no difference in payments made to NGOs in Bihar. It has further been reported that no special attention is given to any NGO by State Authority by neglecting others.

(b): As per NPCB guideline, NGOs seeking non-recurring grants under NPCB shall seek reimbursement in the prescribed format within maximum of three months of surgery/intervention /screening of eye. No claims shall be valid after lapse of three months. The District Programme Manager (DPM) shall acknowledge the receipt of the claim document and shall be required to settle the claim in a period not exceeding three months time. These guidelines have been circulated to all States time and again for strict compliance and during review of the programme at various levels.

Director-in-Chief, Health Services, Bihar, Patna, has reported that from the year 2012-13, State of Bihar is following the practice of Management Information System (MIS) in which NGOs have to enter the number of Cataract operations done by them to ensure early and timely payment.

(c): NPCB being a decentralized scheme, identification of NGOs and release of grant for the activities undertaken by them is the role of concerned State/District Health Society.

Director-in-Chief, Health Services, Bihar, Patna, has reported that no NGO from Madhubani has submitted any documents for payment during the last three years (2009-10 to 2011-12). As per the report, an amount of Rs.7,39,80,705/- is due to various NGOs for the period 2009-10 to 2011-12.