Question : Hydropower Projects

(a) whether some hydropower projects in the country are risky and posing danger to environment;
(b) if so, the details thereof in the last five years till date, State wise and the reasons therefor along with the corrective steps taken till date;
(c) whether a system exists to monitor environmental issues even after giving clearance to hydel projects and dam; and
(d) if so, the details of such audits and action undertaken in the last three years, if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) &(b) As per the provisions of Section 8(1) of the Electricity Act, 2003, any generating company intending to set-up a hydropower generating station has to prepare and submit to the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) for its concurrence, any hydropower project involving a capital expenditure exceeding such sum (presently, ?1000 crore), as may be fixed by the Central Government from time to time, by notification. Besides obtaining concurrence from CEA for such projects, necessary clearances are also required to be obtained from the Central Water Commission as per extant guidelines in this regard. It is only after obtaining the concurrence from CEA that the hydropower projects are submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change by the Project Proponent for environmental clearances in accordance with the provisions of the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) notification, 2006 as amended from time to time. Under the existing EIA notification, Environment Clearance is required for hydropower projects with capacity greater than or equal to 25 MW. In accordance with the aforesaid provisions of the aforesaid EIA notification a detailed stepwise process involving conducting EIA, preparation of Environment Management Plan (EMP), conducting public hearing are vigorously followed and it is only after submission of the EIA and EMP reports that the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) comprising domain experts from the relevant fields examine the project. Such detailed examination by the EAC involves assessment of the spatial extent of potential impact and potential impacts of human health and natural and man-made resources including inter alia various aspects like submission of--environmental-flow of the river report, dam break analysis report, disaster management report, fisheries management plan, detailed social impact analysis, conservation plan for schedule one species, solid waste management plan with scientific practices, forest protection plan, reservoir treatment plan, report on protection from landslides areas, volcanic zones, seismic analysis, green belt development plan, muck disposal plan, early warning system plan, protection from Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) and Landslide Lake Outburst Flood (LLOF) and such other anticipatory impact of the proposed hydropower project.

It is only after such detailed study and analysis that environmental clearances are issued which incorporating the necessary safeguards and conditions to be adhered to by the Project Proponent (PP) before undertaking construction of the project.

Besides above, the projects are also required to take Consent to Establish (CTE) for the purpose of establishing the project & Consent to Operate (CTO) (on regular basis) from the concerned State Governments. The CTE/CTO stipulates conditions that are monitored by the respective States.

(c) & (d) The compliance of environmental safeguard conditions is regularly monitored by the Monitoring Division within the MoEFCC and its 19 Integrated Regional Offices(IROs) of the Ministry situated across the country. The EIA Notification 2006, mandates submission of half-yearly compliance reports by the project proponent in respect of the stipulated EC conditions to the Ministry and its Integrated Regional Offices (IROs). IROs analyze these six monthly progress reports, undertake inspection of the unit, if required. During last three years the Ministry monitored total 30 Hydro power projects across the country. State-wise list of number of hydropower projects for which monitoring has been undertaken in last three years (Annexure -I).The concerned IRO office shares the Inspection Reports with the Project Authorities for further necessary action at their end. There is no provision of environmental audit under the EIA Notification, 2006 or the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

Further, CWC has been entrusted the responsibility of monitoring the compliance by project authorities on maintenance of desired e-flows. Monitoring of e-flows is being carried out by CWC since 1st January, 2019 for 11 projects including 7 Hydro Electric Projects in Uttarakhand, mentioned at Annexure II.

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