Question : Promotion of AYUSH


(a) whether adequate steps have been taken to promote and popularise AYUSH, including Unani System of medicine and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether the Government has taken note of reported use of heavy metals in Ayurveda and other AYUSH products/ medicines;

(c) if so, the details thereof along with the reaction of the Government thereto;

(d) the details of the Unani hospitals and medical centres presently functional in the country, State/UT-wise; and

(e) whether the Government proposes to open more such hospitals/Centres in the country particularly in Delhi and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): A statement is laid on the Table of the House


(a) Yes. National Policy on Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy is already in place since 2002 which aims at overall growth and development of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH). With the policy support, National Institutes and Research Councils of these systems have been set up and financial support is provided to the States/UTs and institutions through the Centrally Sponsored Schemes and Central Sector Schemes for promotion and popularisation of AYUSH, including Unani System of medicine. The details of Schemes are furnished at ANNEXURE-I.

(b) & (c) There is a specific category of herbo-mineral or metallic Ayurvedic medicines called Rasaushadhies or Rasa-yoga. Many of such medicines make use of heavy metals like Mercury, Arsenic and Lead as ingredients after subjecting them to a series of processes called Shodhana, Marana, Amritikarana etc. to render them safe and therapeutically effective. Heavy metals in Ayurvedic formulations are not present in free elemental forms but in complex compounds and it is the synergy of various ingredients and use of purification and detoxification techniques that makes the formulation compatible to the body system for therapeutic action with judicious consumption. Permissible limits of heavy metals are defined in the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia and are not applicable to Rasaushadhies. The Government has issued directions to the States and Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) to accept supply of ASU&H medicines with batch wise quality analysis from an approved laboratory/NABL accredited Laboratory.

(d) the details of the Unani hospitals and medical centres presently functional in the country, State/UT-wise is furnished at Annexure-II.

(e) As Health is a State subject, opening or setting up of Hospitals including Unani Hospitals in the State/UT lies within the purview of the respective State/UT Government. However, Ministry of AYUSH operates a Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National AYUSH Mission, in which financial assistance is being provided to the States/UTs for setting up of upto 50 bedded Integrated AYUSH Hospitals including Unani system of medicine subject to the submission of State Annual Action Plan (SAAP) within the allocated resource pool for the state, commitment for matching state share as per the Scheme guidelines and clearance of pending Utilization Certificates (UCs).


Salient features of the Centrally Sponsored and Central Sector Schemes for promotion and popularisation of AYUSH, including Unani System of medicine:

I. Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National AYUSH Mission:

The Government of India has approved and notified National AYUSH Mission (NAM) on 29.09.2014 which envisages better access to AYUSH services, strengthening of AYUSH educational institutions, facilitate the enforcement of quality control of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani & Homoeopathy (ASU &H) drugs and sustainable availability of ASU & H raw-materials in the States/UTs during 12th Plan.
The National AYUSH Mission (NAM) inter-alia makes provision for the following:-
(i) Co-location of AYUSH facilities at Primary Health Centers (PHCs), Community Health Centers (CHCs) and District Hospitals (DHs).
(ii) Up gradation of exclusive State Government AYUSH Hospitals and Dispensaries.
(iii) Setting up of up to 50 bedded integrated AYUSH Hospital.
(iv) Upgradation of State Government Educational Institutions.
(v) Setting up of new State Government AYUSH Educational Institutions including Yoga and Naturopathy in the State where it is not available.
(vi) Strengthening of State Government/ Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homoeopathy (ASU&H) Pharmacies and Drug Testing Laboratories (DTL).
(vii) Cultivation and Promotion of Medicinal Plants.
(viii) Under the flexible components of the scheme of NAM, provision has been made for following activities:
a) AYUSH Wellness Centres including Yoga & Naturopathy
b) Tele-medicine
c) Sports Medicine through AYUSH
d) Innovations in AYUSH including Public Private Partnership
e) Interest subsidy component for Private AYUSH educational Institutions
f) Reimbursement of Testing charges
g) IEC activities
h) Research & Development in areas related to Medicinal Plants
i) Voluntary certification scheme: Project based.
j) Market Promotion, Market intelligence & buy back interventions
k) Crop Insurance for Medicinal Plants

Revised funding patterns under National AYUSH Mission are as follows:
As per the Letter D.O .No.32/PSO/FS/2015 dated 28.10.2015 from Ministry of Finance, the funding pattern of Centrally Sponsored Scheme including all components of National AYUSH Mission has been revised to the ratio of 60:40 between Centre and State, while it would be in the ratio of 90:10 for 8 Northern East States and 3 Himalaya States (Jammu Kashmir, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh). For the UTs Centrally Sponsored Scheme will be 100% funded by the Central Government.

II. Central Sector Schemes:
1. Central Sector Scheme for promotion of information, education, and communication (IEC) in AYUSH:

Under Central Sector Scheme of Information Education and Communication (IEC), Government of India extends financial assistance to State Governments and other reputed Government/ Non-Governmental Organizations/ universities for conducting Seminars/ Workshops/ symposium to promote AYUSH. In addition, Government of India carries out mass media campaigns through electronic and print media and AROGYA Fairs for creating awareness amongst the people. The funds are released to the implementing agencies for organizing the IEC activities.

2. Central Sector Scheme of Centres of Excellence (COE):
The main aim of the scheme is to support creative and innovative proposals for upgrading both functions and facilities of reputed AYUSH institutions to levels of excellence. Both the Government as well as private organizations are eligible under this scheme. Maximum Rs.10.00 crore is provided to the grantee organization for the period of three years for implementing the scheme.
3. Development of AYUSH Clusters Scheme:
The main aim of the scheme is to fill in the critical gaps in the sector especially related to standardization, quality assurance and control, productivity, marketing, infrastructure and capacity building through a cluster based approach, preferably for classical ASU and Homoeopathic drugs. The assistance is restricted to 60% of the Project Cost subject to a maximum of Rs.15.00 crore as Government grant.
4. Central Sector Scheme of Promotion of AYUSH interventions in Public Health Initiatives (PHI):
Government of India is implementing Central Sector Grant-in-aid Scheme for Promotion of AYUSH Intervention in Public Health Intiatives. The main aim of the scheme is to promote AYUSH intervention for community health care and to encourage utilization of AYUSH practitioners in different public health programmes. Both the Government as well as Non- Government organizations are eligible under this scheme. Maximum Rs.1.50 crore is provided to the grantee organization for the period of three years for implementing the scheme.
5. Central Sector Scheme of Continuing Medical Education (CME):
Under Central Sector Scheme of Continuing Medical Education (CME), AYUSH Personnel are given need-based training for upgradation of their skills. Financial assistance is provided directly to institutions/ organizations approved by the Screening Committee. Funds for a programme will be released to the institute on approval of the proposal as per the following pattern:
(i) Financial assistance of Rs. 7.50 lakhs per programme for 6-days CME for AYUSH Teachers/Doctors/Scientist.
(ii) Financial assistance of Rs. 5.00 lakhs per programme for 6-days CME for Paramedics/ Health workers/ Instructors/ Therapists.
(iii) Financial assistance of Rs. 7.50 lakhs per programme for 6-days Training of Trainers programme (ToT) in AYUSH.
(iv) 3-days/5-days training in Management/IT to AYUSH administrators/heads of departments/institutions. Funds are released in accordance with the Screening Committee’s recommendations.
(v) Web-based (on-line) educational programmes. Funds are released in accordance with the Screening Committee’s recommendations.
(vi) Making available the lectures of CMEs in CDs/DVDs in AYUSH sector. Funds are released in accordance with the Screening Committee’s recommendations.
(vii) Support to organizations having domain knowledge. Funds are released in accordance with the Screening Committee’s recommendations.
(viii) Two days national level Workshops/ Conferences for CME. Funds are released in accordance with the Screening Committee’s recommendations.
(ix) Financial assistance of Rs. 1.00 lakhs per programme for conducting 2-day subject-/specialty CME for 50 private practitioners.
6. Central Sector Scheme of Extra Mural Research (EMR):
Extra Mural Research (EMR) is designed to encourage Research & Development in priority areas based on disease burden in alignment to National Health Programme. It provides grant-in-aid to for the projects upto Rs. 70.00 lakhs for maximum 3 years.
7. Central Sector Scheme of Conservation, Development and Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants
Central Sector Scheme for “Conservation, Development and Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants” aimed at providing support for Survey, Inventorization, in-situ conservation, ex-situ conservation / herbal gardens, linkage with JFMCs, Research and Development etc. The Scheme is being implemented since 2008 and continued during the 12th Plan. Under this Scheme the project based financial assistance is provided for aforesaid activities on medicinal plants as per the scheme guidelines.
8. Promotion and popularization of AYUSH systems of Medicine at International level.
As a part of global promotion and propagation of the AYUSH systems of medicine including Unani, the Ministry of AYUSH has been signing Country to Country MoUs on cooperation in the field of Traditional Medicine; Setting up AYUSH Academic Chairs in Foreign Universities/Institutes and Setting up AYUSH Information Cells in the premises of the Indian Missions/ICCR Cultural Centre for dissemination of authentic information about AYUSH systems of medicine. As of now, The Ministry of AYUSH has signed Country to Country MoUs for cooperation in field of Traditional Medicine with nine countries namely Nepal, Bangladesh, Hungary, Trinidad & Tobago, Malaysia, China, Mauritius, Mongolia and Turkmenistan. Academic Chairs have been set up in three countries namely Hungary and Trinidad & Tobago (Ayurveda Chair) and South Africa (Unani Chair). Besides, 14 AYUSH Information Cells have been established in 13 Countries (two in Indonesia). In addition to the above, the Ministry of AYUSH has been organizing/ participating in International exhibitions/ conferences/ workshops/ seminars/ road shows/ trade fairs, etc. to have wider reach for international propagation of AYUSH. Incentives are also being provided (a) to AYUSH drug manufacturers, entrepreneurs, AYUSH institutions, etc. for participating in International exhibitions/ conferences/ workshops/ seminars/ road shows/ trade fairs, etc. for generating awareness amongst the participating public about the Indian Medicine and; (b) to AYUSH drug manufacturers for registration of AYUSH products with regulatory agencies of different countries to enhance export of the products.

State wise Unani Hospitals and Dispensaries as on 1-4-2014

No. State / UT No. of Hospitals No. of Dispensaries
1 Andhra Pradesh 3 73
2 Arunachal Pradesh 0 0
3 Assam 0 1
4 Bihar 1 449
5 Chhattisgarh 1 26
6 Delhi 1 17
7 Goa 0 0
8 Gujarat 0 0
9 Haryana 1 19
10 Himachal Pradesh 0 3
11 Jammu & Kashmir 1 177
12 Jharkhand 0 54
13 Karnataka 19 50
14 Kerala 0 12
15 Madhya Pradesh 0 64
16 Maharashtra 6 25
17 Manipur 2 15
18 Meghalaya 0 0
19 Mizoram 0 0
20 Nagaland 0 0
21 Odisha 0 9
22 Punjab 0 34
23 Rajasthan 5 110
24 Sikkim 0 0
25 Tamil Nadu 1 63
26 Tripura 0 0
27 Uttar Pradesh 204 49
28 Uttarakhand 2 3
29 West Bengal 1 3
30 A&N Island 1 0
31 Chandigarh 0 1
32 D&N Haveli 0 0
33 Daman & Diu 0 0
34 Lakshadweep 0 0
35 Puducherry 0 0
36 Telangana** 3 196
TOTAL 252 1453

**The figures of Telangana State is provisional. The figures of Andhra Pradesh is based on information supplied by State as on 01.07.2014 separately for Andhra Pradesh. Hence for the Telangana state; it is calculated based on last year data of Andhra Pradesh minus current year data of Andhra Pradesh
Source: State Governments & concerned agencies.

State/UT-wise list of Research Institutes/ Centre/ Units maintaining OPD/IPD under Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM)
No. State Name and address of Research Institutes/ Centre/ Units Facility Available
1 Andhra Pradesh Central Research Institute of Unani Medicine
Opp. E.S.I., Hospital, A. G. Colony Road, Erragadda,
Hyderabad -500 838, Andhra Pradesh OPD & IPD

Clinical Research Unit, C/o Dr. Abdul Haq Unani Medical College, 40/23, Park Road, Kurnool - 518001 OPD
2 Assam Regional Research Centre (RRC)
S.M. Dev Civil Hospital, Silchar-788001 (Cachar), Assam OPD
Extension Centre of Regional Research Centre, Masjid Road, Karimganj – 788710 OPD
3 Bihar Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine,
Manas Path, Opp. Guru Gobind Singh Hospital,
Guzri, Patna City, Patna – 800008 Bihar OPD
4 Delhi Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, D-11/1 Abul Fazal Enclave, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi-110025 OPD & IPD
Unani Speciality Centre ( Extension Centre of RRIUM),
Deen Dayal Hospital, Ghantaghar, Harinagar, New Delhi - 110064 OPD
Unani Medical Centre, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Room No. 304, New Delhi -110001 OPD
5 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, University of Kashmir, Hazrat Bal, Srinagar –190006 OPD & IPD
6 Karnataka Clinical Research Unit (Unani),
National Institute of Unani Medicine, Kotigapalaya, Magdi Main Road, Bangalore-560091 (Karnataka) OPD
7 Kerala Clinical Research Unit, Kurupatil Nina Memorial
Near Panchayat Office P.O. Edathala (N)– 683 564.
Alweye – Kerela. OPD
8 Madhya Pradesh Clinical Research Unit (Unani), Department of Pharmacology, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal-450331, Madhaya Pradesh OPD
Clinical Research Unit, S.H. Unani Tibbia College, Ganpati Naka, Burhanpur-450331, Madhaya Pradesh OPD
9 Maharashtra Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine,
J.J. Hospital Compound, Behind Eye Bank, Byculla, Mumbai- 400008, Maharashtra OPD
10 Odisha Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine,
Mathasahi, Bhadrak-756100, Odisha OPD & IPD
11 Tamil Nadu Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine,
1, West Meda Church Street Royapuram, Chennai – 600 013.Tamil Nadu OPD & IPD
12 Uttar Pradesh Central Research Institute of Unani Medicine,
C-39, Maakaila Bhavan, Sec-C,
Sitapur Road Yojana, Lala Latpat Rai Ward,
Lucknow – 226 021, Uttar Pradesh OPD & IPD
Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine,
Post Box No.-70, A.K. Tibbiya College & Hospital,
Aligarh Muslim University, (New Block), Aligarh-202001,
Uttar Pradesh OPD
Clinical Research Unit, 368, Kothi Attanas,
Meerut-250002, Uttar Pradesh OPD
Regional Research Centre,
B-501/4, G.T.B. Nagar, (Opp. Dulhan Palace),
Allahabad – 211 016 (U.P.)
Uttar Pradesh OPD
13 West Bengal Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine,
79, Chitranjan Avenue, Kolkata – 700 073. West Bengal OPD

National Institute:
National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore was established in 1984 with the objective of developing it as centre for propagation of Unani Medicine. Institute consists of 180 bedded hospital. Hospital provides OPD and IPD services.

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