(a): whether the Government has launched a scheme pn credit linked capital subsidy;

(b): if so, the details thereof;

(c): the criteria fixed for getting assistance under this scheme; and

(d): the number of SSI units are benefited by this scheme since its inception in the country, State-wise, particularly in Uttar Pradesh?

Answer given by the minister


(a) : Yes, Sir.

(b) : The Government of India in the Ministry of Small Scale Industries (SSI) has been operating a scheme for technology upgradation for SSI, called the Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) since October 1, 2000. The Scheme provides for 12 per cent capital subsidy to SSI units, including tiny units, on institutional finance availed of by them for induction of well established and improved technology in selected sub sectors/products approved under the Scheme. The eligible amount of subsidy is calculated on the actual loan amount not exceeding Rs.40 lakh. The new SSI units which are registered with the respective State Directorates of Industries and have set up their units based on eligible technologies are also covered under the Scheme.

(c): The guidelines prescribed for availing subsidy under the CLCSS, inter alia, include the following:

(i) Capital subsidy under the Scheme shall be available only for such projects where term loans have been sanctioned by the eligible primary lending institutions (PLIs) on or after October 1, 2000.

(ii) The financial assistance by the eligible PLIs for technology upgradation will be need based. However, the 12 per cent capital subsidy support would be limited to the loan amounts given in the table below:

Sl.	Investment limit	Maximum ceiling	Maximum subsidy
No.	of loan eligible for	available under the	support#	scheme
1 Tiny units with investment in plant Rs.8 lakh Rs. 0.96 lakh & machinery less than Rs.10 lakh.
2 Tiny units with investment in plant Rs.20 lakh Rs. 2.40 lakh & machinery between Rs. 10 lakh to Rs.25 lakh.
3 Small units with investment in Rs 040 lakh Rs. 4.80 lakh plant & machinery above Rs.25 lakh.
(# = The eligible subsidy would be calculated on the actual loan amount or maximum ceiling on Ioan.-eligible for subsidy, whichever is lower.)

(iii) Units availing of subsidy under the CLCSS shall not avail of any other subsidy for technology upgradation from Central/State/UT Government. However, units in the North Eastern-Region which are availing of financial incentives/subsidy under any scheme of the Governments in the region would also be eligible for subsidy under the CLCSS.

(iv) Replacement of existing equipment/ technology with the same equipment/technology will not qualify for subsidy under this Scheme. This Scheme is also not applicable to units upgrading their technology with second hand machinery.

(d) : The State-wise details of the number of units assisted under the CLCSS (including those in Uttar Pradesh) since the inception of the Scheme are as under:

SI. No.	State	Number of units#

1 Andhra Pradesh 74 2 Bihar 05 3 Chattisgarh 16 4 Delhi 46 5 Goa 02 6 Haryana 38 7 Jharkhand 02 8 Karnataka 66 9 Kerala 02 10 Madhya Pradesh 20 11 Maharashtra 90 12 Gujarat 28 13 Orissa 02 14 Punjab 59 15 Rajasthan 56 16 Tamilnadu 309 17 Uttar Pradesh 42 18 West Bengal 08
# = Up to end July, 2005