Question : Sundarbans National Park

(a) whether the National Park of Sundarbans in West Bengal is under severe threat;
(b) if so, the details thereof along with the reasons therefor;
(c) whether according to the Forest Survey of India’s State of Forest Reports, the very dense mangrove cover has shrunk from 1,038 sq. km. in 2011 to 999 sq. km. in 2017 and moderately dense forest cover has shrunk from 881 sq. km. to 692 sq. km. during the same period;
(d) if so, the details thereof; and
(e) whether the Union Government has advised the State Government of West Bengal for strictly preserving the status quo of Sundarban area, if so, the details thereof including the corrective measures taken by the State Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) and (b) There are no reports in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change indicating that Sundarbans National Park in West Bengal is under severe threat.

(c) and (d) The very dense Mangrove cover of West Bengal state assessed in the ‘India State of Forest Report (ISFR)’ released by the Forest Survey of India in 2011 and 2017 was 1,038, and 999 sq. km. respectively, and the Moderately dense Mangrove cover was 881 sq. km. and 692 sq. km. respectively during the same period. However, as ISFR 2017, the total Mangrove cover of West Bengal state was 2155 sq. km. in 2011, 2097 sq. km. in 2013, 2106 sq. km. in 2015 and 2114 sq. km. in 2017. As per ISFR 2013, the decrease in Mangrove cover in West Bengal was mainly due to exclusion of creek areas within the mangroves on account of better radiometric resolution of satellite data.

In so far as the Mangrove Cover of the country is concerned, the total Mangrove Cover of the country has increased from 4662.56 sq. km. as per the India State of Forest Report 2011 to 4921 sq. km. as per India State of Forest Report 2017 and to 4975 sq. km. as per the India State of Forest Report 2019.

(e) Protection of Sundarban area is primarily responsibility of State Government. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change is providing financial assistance to the Government of West Bengal under various Centrally Sponsored Schemes including under the Project Tiger Scheme and has approved the annual plan of Sundarban Tiger Reserve with a total cost of Rs. 1056.62 lakhs for 2019-20 which includes measures for protection and development of wildlife in the Reserve.


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