Question : IMR and SBR

(a) the programmes/schemes implemented/operational to reduce Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), Still Birth Rate (SBR) and to rectify the nutritional deficiencies of old age people across the country, State/UT-wise including Tamil Nadu;
(b) the details of the funds sanctioned, allocated and utilised under these programmes/schemes during the last three years and the current year across the country, State/UT-wise including Tamil Nadu;
(c) the details of the target set and the achievements made under this so far;
(d) the details of the number of cases covered under these programmes/schemes across the country;
(e) whether the Government is proposing to make any amendment under these schemes; and
(f) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): Public Health is a State subject. However, to reduce infant mortality and still birth, various programmes and schemes under National Health Mission are implemented by States/ UTs as follows:

i. Promotion of Institutional deliveries through cash incentive under Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) and Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK) entitles all pregnant women (PW) delivering in public health institutions to free ante-natal check-ups, delivery including Caesarean section, post-natal care and treatment of sick infants till one year of age.

ii. Strengthening of delivery points for providing comprehensive and quality Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A) Services, ensuring essential newborn care at all delivery points, establishment of Special Newborn Care Units (SNCU), Newborn Stabilization Units (NBSU) and Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) units for care of sick and small babies. India Newborn Action Plan (INAP) was launched in 2014 to make concerted efforts towards attainment of the goals of “Single Digit Neonatal Mortality Rate” and “Single Digit Still birth Rate,” by 2030. Comprehensive Lactation Management Centres (CLMCs) at facilities with SNCU and Lactation Management Units (LMUs) at Sub-district level are made functional to ensure availability of Human Milk for feeding small newborns. Home Based Newborn Care (HBNC) and Home Based Care of Young Children (HBYC) are provided by ASHAs to improve child rearing practices.

iii. Early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding for first six months and appropriate Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices are promoted in convergence with Ministry of Women and Child Development. Village Health and Nutrition Days (VHNDs) are observed for provision of maternal and child health services and creating awareness on maternal and child care including health and nutrition education. Mothers’ Absolute Affection (MAA) programme for improving breastfeeding practices (Early Initiation Breastfeeding within one hour, Exclusive Breastfeeding up to six months and initiation of complementary feeding at six months of age with continued breastfeeding up to two years or beyond) through mass media campaigns and capacity building of health care providers in health facilities as well as in communities.

iv. Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) is supported to provide vaccination to children against life threatening diseases such as Tuberculosis, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Polio, Tetanus, Hepatitis B, Measles, Rubella, Pneumonia and Meningitis caused by Haemophilus Influenzae B. “Mission Indradhanush and Intensified Mission Indradhanush” was launched to immunize children who are either unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, i.e., those that have not been covered during the rounds of routine immunization for various reasons.

v. LaQshya a Labour Room quality improvement programme is implemented in over 2100 health facilities across the country including medical colleges.

vi. Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA) is implemented to provide fixed-day assured, comprehensive and quality antenatal care universally to all pregnant women on the 9th of every month.

vii. Universal screening of pregnant women including anaemic pregnant women is carried out at all public health facilities and 180 iron & folic acid (IFA) tablets are given in the antenatal and 180 IFA tablets are given in the post-natal period to all pregnant women. Double doses tablets are given as a part of treatment regimen to those found to be clinically anaemic.

viii. Guidelines on standardization of Labour Rooms and creation of Obstetric HDU and Obstetric ICU at District Hospitals and Medical Colleges has also been prepared and disseminated to the States for improving quality of care during delivery and child birth.

ix. Name based tracking of mothers and children till two years of age (Mother and Child Tracking System) is done to ensure complete antenatal, intranatal, postnatal care and complete immunization as per schedule.

x. Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) for health screening, early detection of birth defects, diseases, deficiencies, development delays and early intervention services has been operationalized to provide comprehensive care to all the children in the age group of 0-18 years in the community.

xi. Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres (NRCs) have been set up at public health facilities to treat and manage the children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) admitted with medical complications.

xii. Iron and folic acid (IFA) supplementation for the prevention of anaemia among the vulnerable age groups, home visits by ASHAs to promote exclusive breast feeding and promote use of ORS and Zinc for management of diarrhoea in children under Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight (IDCF), administration of de-worming tablets to all the children in the age group of 1-19 years during National De-worming Day (February and August) are carried out.

xiii. Health and nutrition education through Information, Education & Communication (IEC) and Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) to promote healthy practices and create awareness to generate demand and improve service uptake.

xiv. To tackle the problem of anaemia due to malaria, particularly in pregnant women and children, Long Lasting Insecticide Nets (LLINs) and Insecticide Treated Bed Nets (ITBNs) are distributed in endemic areas.

xv. Dietary counseling to pregnant women is provided during ante-natal visits through the existing network of sub-centres and primary health centres and other health facilities as well as through outreach activities at Village Health & Nutrition Days (VHNDs).

xvi. Various trainings are conducted to build and upgrade the skills of healthcare providers in basic and comprehensive obstetric care of mother during pregnancy, delivery and essential new-born care.

The details of Fund released for Reproductive and Child Health Program under National Health Mission for last three financial years (2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19) is at Annexure-I.

Under National Health Policy, 2017, Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) target for the year 2019 is 28 per 1000 live births and Still Birth Rate is Single Digit by 2025.

As per latest Sample Registration System bulletin of Registrar General of India, the Infant Mortality Rate is 33 per 1000 live births at National level in 2017 (at Annexure-II) and Still Birth rate is 4 per 1000 birth in 2016 (at Annexure-III).

Status of Key Maternal and Child Health Indicators for the year 2018-19 is at Annexure-IV.

(e) & (f): At present, there is no proposal to make amendment under the said scheme.


Statement referred to in reply to part (a to d) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred 1155 to be answered on 28.06.2019
Release & Expenditure under RCH Flexible Pool (including Routine Immunization, Pulse Polio Immunization and National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme) during the period from F.Y. 2016-17 to 2018-19 and Allocation & Release for the F.Y. 2019-20
Rs. In crore
Sl. No. States 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Release Exp Release Exp Release Exp Allocation Release
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 14.83 7.33 - 3.74 0.50 4.00 4.32 -
2 Andhra Pradesh 176.58 393.22 140.04 174.05 117.00 250.79 119.42 -
3 Arunachal Pradesh 58.18 46.62 31.44 29.89 49.34 33.13 38.92 -
4 Assam 361.14 567.06 283.47 245.80 319.24 305.40 218.86 -
5 Bihar 331.28 745.16 307.29 699.23 248.23 780.99 248.78 -
6 Chandigarh 9.67 9.03 2.53 1.62 2.72 2.52 3.64 -
7 Chhattisgarh 151.89 263.57 139.63 237.14 98.44 248.50 102.81 62.46
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 5.51 9.41 3.52 2.87 3.79 2.92 3.90 -
9 Daman & Diu 4.65 5.33 - 1.18 1.46 2.15 2.91 -
10 Delhi 104.44 65.49 32.20 18.38 30.88 18.40 33.63 -
11 Goa 3.65 7.43 3.59 3.23 2.93 5.19 3.37 -
12 Gujarat 216.04 405.75 168.25 376.97 146.23 456.40 146.24 -
13 Haryana 77.63 178.25 59.89 85.97 51.74 106.49 52.66 31.55
14 Himachal Pradesh 66.61 78.52 46.95 54.98 43.81 56.42 45.19 27.09
15 Jammu & Kashmir 133.74 216.82 133.95 85.49 96.85 106.50 100.97 59.54
16 Jharkhand 154.98 286.62 125.45 214.75 96.62 248.76 105.00 -
17 Karnataka 215.96 340.33 173.21 224.59 131.89 245.83 146.08 86.23
18 Kerala 90.14 165.37 76.25 114.53 64.48 137.89 64.48 -
19 Lakshadweep 1.19 1.45 0.65 0.48 0.72 1.01 0.84 -
20 Madhya Pradesh 361.74 849.97 297.24 682.07 233.97 707.50 244.72 124.58
21 Maharashtra 399.98 499.52 264.88 382.23 256.88 424.96 257.44 -
22 Manipur 27.95 31.29 37.23 24.35 27.10 36.51 24.97 -
23 Meghalaya 39.51 48.99 39.16 29.23 35.44 36.24 26.46 -
24 Mizoram 15.77 32.93 21.64 14.63 20.02 18.29 14.30 -
25 Nagaland 27.29 35.62 24.29 16.33 24.60 23.56 18.26 -
26 Orissa 179.64 398.29 138.72 316.77 134.97 351.85 134.97 81.99
27 Puducherry 15.28 9.61 7.48 4.20 4.25 4.90 5.65 -
28 Punjab 84.99 176.81 74.51 79.75 56.54 106.35 57.55 -
29 Rajasthan 364.19 551.62 298.62 465.00 241.57 551.72 246.16 -
30 Sikkim 7.76 12.91 8.14 3.48 5.68 6.23 6.49 -
31 Tamil Nadu 217.40 496.25 196.28 254.65 140.48 272.48 146.95 86.97
32 Tripura 39.57 36.83 18.25 46.01 37.45 40.51 26.46 -
33 Uttar Pradesh 658.87 1,435.70 567.80 1,205.68 459.91 1,281.44 495.60 -
34 Uttarakhand 82.00 113.74 55.71 102.86 61.65 85.72 61.77 37.20
35 West Bengal 252.44 686.35 191.72 511.36 158.20 434.83 170.66 -
36 Telangana 107.24 236.16 97.62 118.58 83.95 129.89 85.46 -
Grand Total 5,059.73 9,445.35 4,067.60 6,832.06 3,489.53 7,526.28 3,465.89 597.61
Note: (1) As there is no relevance of Allocation after the closure of the Financial Year, it has not been provided.
(2) The above releases relate to Central Govt. Grants & do not include State share contribution.
(3) Expenditure includes expenditure against central Release, State release & unspent balances at the beginning of the year. Expenditure for the F.Y. 2018-19 (up to 31.03.2019 as per FMR) are provisional.
(4) RCH Flexible Pool includes RI (cash grant), PPI (cash grant) and NIDDCP.


Statement referred to in reply to part (a to d) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred 1155 to be answered on 28.06.2019

State-wise Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in India, SRS 2017

States/UTs IMR (2017)
India 33
Andaman & Nicobar 14
Andhra Pradesh 32
Arunachal Pradesh 42
Assam 44
Bihar 35
Chandigarh 14
Chhattisgarh 38
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 13
Daman & Diu 17
Delhi 16
Goa 9
Gujarat 30
Haryana 30
Himachal Pradesh 22
Jammu & Kashmir 23
Jharkhand 29
Karnataka 25
Kerala 10
Lakshadweep 20
Madhya Pradesh 47
Maharashtra 19
Manipur 12
Meghalaya 39
Mizoram 15
Nagaland 7
Odisha 41
Puducherry 11
Punjab 21
Rajasthan 38
Sikkim 12
Tamil Nadu 16
Telangana 29
Tripura 29
Uttar Pradesh 41
Uttarakhand 32
West Bengal 24


Statement referred to in reply to part (a to d) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred 1155 to be answered on 28.06.2019

Status of Still Birth Rate as per SRS, 2016
Sr. No State/UTs Still Birth Rate
(SRS 2016)
1 Bihar 3
2 Chhattisgarh 10
3 Himachal Pradesh 24
4 Jammu & Kashmir 2
5 Jharkhand 0
6 Madhya Pradesh 8
7 Odisha 13
8 Rajasthan 3
9 Uttar Pradesh 3
10 Uttarakhand 9
11 Arunachal Pradesh -
12 Assam 2
13 Manipur -
14 Meghalaya -
15 Mizoram -
16 Nagaland -
17 Sikkim -
18 Tripura -
19 Andhra Pradesh 3
20 Goa -
21 Gujarat 6
22 Haryana 5
23 Karnataka 6
24 Kerala 6
25 Maharashtra 4
26 Punjab 6
27 Tamil Nadu 3
28 Telangana 1
29 West Bengal 3
30 A & N Islands -
31 Chandigarh -
32 Dadra & Nagar Haveli -
33 Daman & Diu -
34 Delhi 4
35 Lakshadweep -
36 Puducherry -
India 4


Status of Key Maternal and Child Health Indicators
Number of pregnant women received 4 or more ANC check ups Institutional deliveries (Public + Pvt.) Number of New Borns Breast Fed within 1 hour Number of fully immunized children (9-11 months)
All India 21,117,098 19,059,280 18,180,464 22,424,715
1 A & N Islands 4,201 3,715 3,318 3,990
2 Andhra Pradesh 848,232 742,650 710,998 846,134
3 Arunachal Pradesh 9,516 16,563 15,581 18,785
4 Assam 566,773 532,816 568,885 594,960
5 Bihar 2,174,659 1,695,938 1,975,200 2,269,847
6 Chandigarh 37,697 28,881 22,204 18,240
7 Chhattisgarh 566,395 475,873 472,937 566,952
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 6,923 9,035 7,767 8,386
9 Daman & Diu 6,266 3,854 2,567 5,314
10 Delhi 408,418 271,487 203,318 298,011
11 Goa 18,154 17,921 13,779 19,708
12 Gujarat 1,143,833 1,104,816 1,000,237 1,148,695
13 Haryana 439,932 475,699 447,301 492,055
14 Himachal Pradesh 88,490 76,598 72,829 101,629
15 Jammu & Kashmir 289,687 188,700 175,122 203,457
16 Jharkhand 748,568 703,894 678,024 653,753
17 Karnataka 1,123,482 910,334 858,104 1,054,412
18 Kerala 515,921 483,145 442,833 462,429
19 Lakshadweep 1,166 845 734 1,024
20 Madhya Pradesh 1,386,210 1,300,239 1,265,252 1,400,603
21 Maharashtra 1,892,039 1,706,694 1,565,102 1,825,849
22 Manipur 29,019 31,295 33,611 35,016
23 Meghalaya 52,325 48,622 74,786 41,966
24 Mizoram 15,984 16,893 19,963 15,651
25 Nagaland 8,136 16,179 16,493 14,114
26 Odisha 584,695 596,236 579,472 689,267
27 Puducherry 67,567 43,970 38,250 14,930
28 Punjab 358,671 364,370 298,355 373,867
29 Rajasthan 908,721 1,345,649 1,193,821 1,379,951
30 Sikkim 6,278 7,042 5,972 7,629
31 Tamil Nadu 962,931 874,844 615,061 950,186
32 Telangana 841,309 517,090 388,525 602,561
33 Tripura 40,820 47,073 43,618 46,876
34 Uttar Pradesh 3,468,367 2,984,292 3,179,894 4,684,237
35 Uttarakhand 125,803 128,043 128,507 182,628
36 West Bengal 1,369,910 1,287,985 1,062,044 1,391,603
Source: Health Management Information System
Statement referred to in reply to part (a to d) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred 1155 to be answered on 28.06.2019

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