(a) the number of Draft Project Reports (DPRs) submitted by the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) in Arunachal Pradesh for construction of Mega-Hydro Power Project to the Union Government as on date;

(b) the number out of them lying pending for approval;

(c) the details of expenditure incurred by NHPC for the preparation of DPRs in Arunachal Pradesh;

(d) whether NHPC is being replaced by a private power company in the State; and

(e) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited (NHPC) has submitted the Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for the following 3 hydroelectric projects (HEPs) to Central Electricity Authority (CEA) for accord of techno-economic clearance (TEC) as per details given below:

Sl.	Project	Capacity (MW)	DPR submitted on
1. Subansiri Lower 2000 7.6.2001
2. Siyom (Siang Middel) 1000 16.9.2003
3. Dibang 3000 29.12.2003

Of the above three projects, the Subansiri Lower HEP which has been accorded Techno- Economic Clearance (TEC) on 13.1.2003, is presently under construction.

(c) : Details of the expenditure on the projects whose DPRs have been prepared / are under preparation by NHPC, are as under:
Sl.	Name of the Project	Cumulative expenditure till March, 2006.
No.	(Rs. Crores)
1 Upper/ Intermediate Siang 29.13 2 Dibang 34.22 3 Siyom (Siang Middle) 47.88 4 Siang Lower 32.76
5 Subansiri Middle 28.68 6 Subansiri Upper 33.06

(d) & (e) : Siyom (Siang Middle) HEP (1000 MW) and Siang Lower HEP were transferred by Government of Arunachal Pradesh on 22.3.2000 for execution by NHPC. However, the Government of Arunachal Pradesh has since entered into a Memorandum of Agreement on 22.2.2006 for execution of these projects through private developers. In addition to these two projects, three other projects, viz. Tato-II HEP (700 MW), Naying HEP (1000 MW) and Hirong HEP (500 MW) for which the work of preparation of DPRs was entrusted to NHPC under the 50,000 MW Hydroelectric Initiative, have also been entrusted to private developers by the State Government. No reasons have been given by Government of Arunachal Pradesh for replacing NHPC by private developers.