Question : Development of Darjeeling Tea Research and Development Centre

(a) whether the Government proposes to upgrade the Darjeeling Tea Research and Development Centre, in Kurseong;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the steps taken by the Government in this regard;

(c) the budgetary allocation and utilization of funds by the Tea Centre during the last three years along with the major initiatives taken or research conducted on tea by the centre;

(d) whether any new centre is proposed to be set up by Tea Board or other Institutes to promote research in tea; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): There is no proposal to upgrade the Darjeeling Tea Research and Development Centre (DTR&DC)in Kurseong. During 11th Five Year Plan, the DTR&DC was upgraded as a “Centre of Excellence” and the scheme is continued in the 12thPlan Period. As part of upgradation of DTR&DC, various initiatives including infrastructural development, extension of laboratories at Kurseong, procurement of equipment and recruitment of scientists have been taken up.
A Quality Control Laboratory (QCL) has been established in Tea Park, Siligurias extension of the facilities of DTR&DC in order to assist the tea industry in general and Darjeeling tea industry in particular. This will help the industry in conforming to the international quality norms and produce high quality teas for domestic consumption and export purpose.

(c): Budgetary allocation and utilization of funds by the DTR&DC, Kurseong for last three years is given in the following Table:

Non-Plan Plan Total
(Non-Plan + Plan)
2012-13 7507740 7672700 15180440
2013-14 5037040 5141990 10179030
2014-15 2621160 4035940 6657100
Total 15165940 16850630 32016570

Non-Plan Plan Total
(Non-Plan + Plan)
2012-13 7889670 7073720 14963390
2013-14 6056060 5160840 11216900
2014-15 2747781 3844091 6591872
Total 16693511 16078651 32772162

Major initiatives taken by the DTR&DC(including QCL) during last three years include, inter alia, clonal selection programme for development of quality clones for Darjeeling tea industry; determination of suitable pruning cycle for Darjeeling tea industry; integrated nutrient management programme; studies on soil conservation; analysis of quality parameters of Darjeeling tea clones; studies on weed management; standardization of Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) parameters in tea at QCL; and field trial on data generation for pesticide residues.

(d) & (e): At present, there is no proposal for setting up of new research centre. However, emphasis has been given to strengthen the existing centres and institutions of tea research.


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