Question : Survey of Unorganised Sectors

(a) whether the Government has conducted/proposes to conduct any survey/study to find out the number of persons engaged in the unorganised sector in the country;

(b) if so, the details in this regard;

(c) the various salient features of unorganized sector which could be identified through such studies;

(d) whether the Government has formulated any plan to divert people from the unorganized sector;

(e) if so, the details thereof; and

(f) whether the Government proposes to give skill development training to these people so that they can become short term entrepreneurs and if so, the steps taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation periodically conducts all-India surveys of Unincorporated Non-agricultural Enterprises. The NSS 73rd round survey (July, 2015 – June, 2016) was dedicated to Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises in Manufacturing, Trade and Other Services (excluding construction). Before NSS 73rd round, survey on the same subject was conducted during 67th round (July, 2010 - June, 2011) to collect information on the economic and operational characteristics of Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises engaged in Manufacturing, Trade and Other Services (excluding construction).

The survey was designed to estimate value of key characteristics per enterprise like average number of workers, fixed assets, outstanding loans, total receipts, total operating expenses and gross value added. Information on various operational characteristics like ownership, nature of operation, location, status of registration etc., was also collected to have an insight into economic scenario of the unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises in the country.

The results of the survey have been released in the form of two detailed reports (NSS Reports No. 546 & 549) uploaded on the website of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. Some of the main features of the unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises, as revealed by the survey, are given below:
• The survey estimated 5.77 crore unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction) to be operating in India during 2010-11.
• Of the total estimated number of unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises, about 54 per cent were located in rural areas and 46 per cent in urban areas.
• 30 percent of the unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises were engaged in manufacturing, 36 percent in trading and the remaining 34 percent in other services activities.
• About 10.8 crore workers were engaged in unincorporated non-agricultural enterprise activities excluding construction. Out of the total estimated number of workers, 51 percent were located in urban areas and the remaining 49 per cent in rural areas.
• At All India level, Annual Gross Value Added per worker in un-incorporated non-agricultural sector was Rs. 58,193. For rural India, the same was Rs. 37,241 and the corresponding estimate for urban areas was Rs. 78,527. At all India level, highest estimated Annual Gross Value Added per worker was for enterprises engaged in trading (Rs. 71,412).

Besides, the Ministry, in collaboration with the State/UT Governments, conducted Sixth Economic Census during January, 2013 – April, 2014 covering the entire country. In this exercise, all establishments in the organized and unorganized sectors engaged in various agricultural and non-agricultural activities excluding crop production, plantation, public administration, defence and compulsory social security were enumerated.

(d): No.
(e): Does not arise.
(f): The Central Ministries/Departments are running a number of skill development schemes/programmes that enable and mobilise large number of Indian youth to take up skill training and become employable and earn their livelihood through jobs or self-employment.

Government is implementing Entrepreneurship cum Skill Development Programme (ESDP) throughout the country through departmental training centres of Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), Khadi and Village Industries Boards (KVIBs), National Academy of Rural Development & Self Employment Training Institute, Rural Self Employment Training Institutes, State Governments and Central Ministries and is preparing unemployed youth to set up enterprises under Prime Minister''s Employment Generation Programme.

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) is comprehensive skill training scheme to benefit one crore (60 lakh under Fresh Training and 40 lakh under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)) youth during four years (2016 – 2020) with an outlay of ?12,000 Crores.


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