Question : Oil Exploration and Production

(a) the details of private/public sector companies including Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) and Oil India Limited (OIL) involved in exploration and production of oil and gas along with oil and gas explored and produced by them during last three years and expenditure incurred on exploration of such oil/gas wells, States/UT/company/project-wise;
(b) the details of survey conducted/proposed to be conducted and oil and gas fields discovered including deep water/ultra deep water, high pressure/high temperature area by public/private sector and State owned oil companies and number of hydrocarbon blocks awarded along with quantum of crude oil/gas produced from these blocks, State/UT/company/oil field- wise;
(c) the details of crude oil and gas reserves available in the country along with the percentage of crude oil and gas produced by upstream companies and their share in production of oil/gas and achievement made by the ONGC/OIL during the said period, company/oil field-wise;
(d) the efforts made/action plan prepared by the Government to bring transparency in the functioning of upstream companies and explore the adequate resources of fuel to meet the domestic requirement of oil and gas in the coming years; and
(e) whether the Government proposes to revise gas pricing formula and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c): During last three years, crude oil & natural gas production, reserves accretion and exploration and production expenditure made by Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) Limited; Oil India Limited (OIL) and Private/JV companies are at Annexure-I, II and III respectively.
The details of survey conducted/proposed to be conducted by ONGC, OIL and Private/JV companies are at Annexure-IV, V and VI respectively.
During 2015-16, crude oil production by ONGC is about 22.368 Million Metric Tonne(MMT), which is 60.5% of the total crude oil production in the country. The share of ONGC in natural gas production is about 65.6% of the domestic natural gas production of 32.249 Billion Cubic Meter (BCM). OIL has produced 3.225 MMT of crude OIL and 2.836 BCM of Natural Gas which constitutes 8.7% and 7.7% of total crude oil and natural gas production of the country respectively.
(d): To enhance domestic oil and gas production Government of India has approved a new policy “Hydrocarbon Exploration Licensing Policy (HELP)”. Under this policy a transparent and easy to administer revenue sharing model has been introduced for awarding the blocks.
(e): Presently, there is no proposal under consideration of Government for revision of Gas pricing formula for gas produced from NELP, Pre-NELP & nomination regime.

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