Question : Anomalies in Salaries of Employees

(a) whether anomalies in the salaries of the employees have been reported due to merger of Air India and Indian Airlines;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the steps taken by the Government to remove those anomalies;

(d) whether the merger has affected the promotional avenues for the employees and also decreased their moral; and

(e) whether Air India is taking any steps to enhance the efficiency of its manpower?

Answer given by the minister

The Minister of State in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION
(Shri Jayant Sinha)

(a) to (c): A Committee headed by Justice DM Dharmadhikari (JDC) was constituted to address various Industrial Relations issues including pay/wage rationalization, pursuant to amalgamation of both the erstwhile airlines (Air India & Indian Airlines). The Justice Dharmadhikari Committee submitted its report to the Government of India on 31.01.2012, which was accepted by the Government on 12.06.2012. Consequent to the implementation of JDC report, certain anomalies and discrepancies were reported by employees. They were examined and all efforts were made to redress the same. The issues which could be corrected have been redressed. Besides this, top management has an open door policy for employees who can approach the highest authority and express their issues. Sincere efforts are made to address them.;

(d): During the period of finalization of merger of erstwhile Air India and erstwhile Indian Airlines, promotion exercises were kept in abeyance for a short while, to ensure level field for both the sides of employees before seniority merger. However, immediately on implementation of the report of JDC, an attempt was made to address the grievances relating to the career and morale of the employees.Proforma promotion exercises were carried out and approximately 1300 promotions were effected. Subsequently, regular promotions as per the criteria laid down by the JDC have been carried out regularly. The employees who were stagnated for 6 years in the same grade have also been granted one time promotion under the stagnation promotion exercise.;

(e): Air India has stepped up its training activities at various levels in order to increase the morale and efficiency of the employees. In order to have efficient manpower, Air India has an elaborate system to provide functional and technical training to its human resource. AI has several Training Centers which provide HR training on functional topics of HR and company information along with soft skills in order to improve the efficiency and morale of the employees.

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