Question : Namami Gange Programme

(a) the present status of all the initiatives taken under the Namami Gange Programme;
(b) whether the funds allocated for the project were under utilised and if so, the reasons therefor;
(c) the financial outlay for the project along with the funds sanctioned and utilised under this project, head-wise, since its announcement and the details of all the achievements made so far;
(d) the pollution levels at the river in the most recent times and the details of improvement over its earlier pollution levels; and
(e) the details of waste treatment that has been carried out during the last three years and the current year along with the number of people employed under the different aspects of the programme?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (e) A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.



(a) Cleaning of river is a continuous process and the Government of India is supplementing the efforts of the State Governments in addressing the challenges of pollution of river Ganga by providing financial and technical assistance.

Namami Gange Programmme was launched In May 2015 as an integrated programme to ensure effective abatement of pollution and conservation of river Ganga by adopting a comprehensive river basin approach.

Under Namami Gange Programme, diverse set of interventions for cleaning and rejuvenation of river Ganga have been taken up. These include pollution abatement activities including sewage, industrial effluent, solid waste etc., river front management, aviral dhara, rural sanitation, afforestation, biodiversity conservation, public participation etc.

A total of 305 projects have so far been sanctioned at an estimated cost of Rs. 28,613.75 Crore, out of which 109 projects have been completed and rest of the projects are at various stages of implementation.

Monitoring of water quality of river Ganga is carried out under Namami Gange programme by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) in 5 Ganga main stem States at 97 Manual Water Quality stations. Similarly, CPCB also monitors the water quality of river Ganga through a network of 36 Real Time Water Quality Monitoring Stations. In addition, CPCB and SPCBs also monitors the pollution being carried by 210 priority drains falling in river Ganga. Grossly Polluting Industries are inspected on annual basis for compliance verification of the pollution norms and process modification.

(b) Government of India launched the Namami Gange Programme with a total budgetary outlay of Rs.20,000 crore for 5 year period till 31 December 2020 to accomplish the twin objectives of effective abatement of pollution, conservation and rejuvenation of National River Ganga and its Tributaries.

Against a budget allocation of Rs.12,741.42 crore for the period 2014-15 to 31 October 2019, Government of India has released Rs.8,463.72 crore to National Mission for Clean Ganga, out of which National Mission for Clean Ganga has spent/released Rs.7,493.60 crore. Initial years were utilized for having a comprehensive plan by taking up condition assessment of the towns along the Ganga river and arriving at the gap area and size of intervention on scientific lines and preparation of Detailed Progress Reports (DPRs). In last 3 years, the pace of expenditure has improved and the program has gained momentum.
In order to ensure long term sustainability of assets created for sewage treatment provision for 10/15 years Operation & Maintenance (O&M) was introduced. Further as per decision of government to promote Public Private Partnership a Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM) model was designed and introduced for implementing sewerage infrastructure projects which would ensure performance based contracts complying with prescribed parameter during operation.

(c) The quantum of budget allocation and funds utilized (By Government of India and subsequently by National Mission for Clean Ganga) from financial year 2014-15 to 31 October 2019 are tabulated below:-

Budget Head Budget Allocation Grants released by Government of India Grants disbursed/ expended by NMCG
(Rupees in crore)
EAP 4,472.10 3,858.10 3,559.69
Non-EAP 461.82 410.62 562.68
National Ganga Plan 7,390.50 3,978.00 3,152.08
Ghat Works 417.00 217.00 219.15
Total 12,741.42 8,463.72 7,493.60

Majors achievements so far under Namami Gange Programme (NGP) are as under:-

i) Under Namami Gange Programme, till September 2019, 150 Sewerage infrastructure projects (111 on Ganga main stem and 39 on tributaries) have been taken up at a sanctioned cost of Rs. 23,130.95 crore for creation of new sewage treatment capacity of 3731.14 Million Litres per Day (MLD), rehabilitation of 1114.39 MLD capacity and laying of around 4972.35 KM sewerage network. As on September 2019, 45 of these projects have been completed resulting in creation of 612.84 MLD of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) capacity and laying of 2940.75 KM sewage network.

ii) On the Ganga main stem towns, projects have been taken up in 97 towns to create 3308 MLD sewage treatment capacity against the generation of 2953 MLD (in 2016). The sewage treatment capacity in main stem towns have increased from 1305 MLD (2014) to 1954 MLD (September 2019). 39 projects have been taken up in 27 tributary towns located along rivers Yamuna, Kali, Ramganga, Saryu, Gomti, Damodar, Banka, Rispana, Kharkai, Kosi and BurhiGandak.

iii) 47 Projects for 184 ghats and 49 crematoria have been sanctioned out of which 123 ghats and 36 crematoria have been completed.

iv) Inventorisation of Grossly Polluting Industries and Annual detailed inspection and survey through independent technical institutions of repute & close monitoring has improved compliance to the standard by the industries.

v) Zero Black Liquor Discharge achieved in Paper and Pulp industry.

vi) Creation of Rural Sanitation facilities in all 4465 villages along Ganga and declaring them Open Defecation Free (ODF).

vii) Upgradation of ETP systems in Sugar mills, textile units, chemical sectors including distilleries have led to significant reduction in pollution level.

viii) Over 12,000 ha have been brought under scientific plantation as per Detailed Progress Report (DPR) prepared by Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun in the five Ganga States through Forest departments, fully utilising the funds allocated for the purpose.

ix) Contributed towards ensuring required water quality and cleanliness during Kumbh-2019.

(d) Water quality in River Ganga gets affected due to discharge of sewage from drains, industrial effluents and to an extent by solid waste. The observed water quality indicates that Dissolved Oxygen which is an indicator of river health has been found to be within acceptable limits of notified primary bathing water quality criteria and satisfactory to support the ecosystem of river across all seasons and also for almost entire stretch of river Ganga.

Due to various pollution abatement initiatives taken by the Government under the Namami Gange Programme, the water quality assessment of river Ganga in 2019 has shown improved water quality trends as compared to 2014. The Dissolved Oxygen levels have improved at 32 locations, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) levels and Faecal coliforms have improved at 39 and 18 locations, respectively.

(e) 379 MLD new sewage treatment capacity has been added in last three years of which 169 MLD has been achieved during last one year. The present sewage treatment capacity is 1954 MLD. It is estimated that about 40 lakhs mandays employment have been created under Namami Gange Programme during the period January-October, 2019.


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