Question : Import of Televisions from Vietnam

Will the Minister of Electronics and Information Technology be pleased to state:
(a) whether the Government has received any request from electronics manufacturing industry with regard to banning of import of televisions from Vietnam after a twenty-five times jump in the import of the same from Vietnam within the last one year;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the decision taken by the Government thereon; and

(c) the extent to which the electronics industry of the country is likely to be benefited by the said ban?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.


(a) and (b): India Cellular & Electronics Association (ICEA) vide their letter dated 21.01.2019 informed that there is twenty five fold jump in the duty free import of Televisions from Vietnam (an ASEAN - India Free Trade Agreement (FTA) country), compared to 2017-18. ICEA has, inter-alia, suggested suspension of imports from Vietnam for three months as an immediate measure, pending comprehensive investigation.

As per Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence & Statistics (DGCI&S) data, the import of Televisions from Vietnam was INR 2,317 crore in the year 2018-19, as compared to INR 62 crore in 2017-18, which is about 37 fold jump. The import data of televisions from top 5 countries (including Vietnam) is annexed. India has entered into ASEAN - India Free Trade Agreement (AIFTA) with the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) to reduce the applied tariff rates. Under the AIFTA, import of televisions attract “nil” Basic Customs Duty (BCD) from ASEAN countries, including Vietnam, whereas BCD @20% is levied on import of televisions from non-FTA countries.

Government has taken several steps for promotion of domestic manufacturing of televisions, which include rationalization of tariff structure and exclusion of Flat Panel (LCD/ LED/ Plasma) Televisions from duty free allowance under the Baggage Rules. As a result, about 80% of the domestic demand of televisions is being met out of domestic production. As per the Consumer Electronics and Appliances Manufacturers Association (CEAMA), in 2018-19, out of domestic demand of 1.5 crore televisions, 1.2 crore televisions were manufactured domestically.

Customs authorities have been requested to strictly enforce the Rules of Origin for consignments coming from ASEAN countries. Further, the “Electronics and Information Technology Goods (Requirement of Compulsory Registration) Order, 2012” has mandated Indian Safety Standards for the notified electronic product categories, including the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)/ Light Emitting Diode (LED) Televisions. The notified products must be registered with BIS before stock, sale, import, manufacture, etc., in India. The Customs authorities have been requested to strictly enforce the compliance of the Order.

(c): ICEA has claimed that the actions suggested by them, including temporary suspension of import of televisions from ASEAN countries (including Vietnam) are likely to lead to an increase in production by about INR 3,000 crore per annum and add about 15,000 direct and indirect jobs.
Import of Televisions from Top 5 Countries
Value (INR crore)
Country 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
All Countries 4,835 3,151 3,758 4,962 7,224
China 1,528 1,050 1,577 2,027 3,807
Vietnam 3 1 27 62 2,317
Malaysia 2,752 1,794 1,883 2,485 750
Hong Kong 5 5 16 12 81
Taiwan 4 4 2 5 56
Total Imports from
Top 5 Countries 4,292 2,854 3,505 4,591 7,011
% Imports from Top 5 Countries 89 91 93 93 97
Source: DGCI&S

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