Question : Indian Silk Industry

(a) whether the Indian silk industry is one of the largest generators of employment and foreign exchange for the country and if so, the details thereof;

(b) the percentage of employment and foreign exchange generated by the Indian Silk Industry during each of the last three years and the current year;

(c) the contribution of silk industry in the overall economic development of the country;

(d) the production, consumption, import and export of silk in the country during each of the last three years and the current year; and

(e) the targets fixed and achievements made for production of silk during the last three years and the current year?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Yes. Silk industry is one of the major employment generating sectors of the country. However, the employment generation data is not maintained centrally. The foreign exchange generated by the Indian silk industry during the last three years and the current year is given below:

Year Foreign Exchange generated through Exports (Mn. US$)
2018-19 291
2019-20 247
2020-21 198
(Till Dec-2021) 211
(*) Source: and

(c): Sericulture is an agriculture-based industry playing a vital role in development of the rural economy of our country. High employment potential, high returns, regular income at fixed intervals, women friendly & eco-friendly nature of occupation, are some of the salient features of sericulture. Further, the domestic consumption and export of silk & silk goods also contributes to the economy.

(d): Raw silk production, consumption, import and export of silk in the country during each of the last three years and the current year are given below:

Year Raw silk Production (MTs) Import of Raw silk (MTs) Consumption
(MTs) Export Earnings
(Mn. US$)
2018-19 35,468 2,785 38,253 291
2019-20 35,820 3,315 39,135 247
2020-21 33,770 1,804 35,574 198
(Till Dec-2021) 26,587 1,377 31,620 211

(e): The raw silk production targets fixed and achievements made during the last three years and the current year are given below:
Year Raw silk Production (MT)
Target Achievement
2018-19 35,960 35,468
2019-20 38,530 35,820
2020-21 39,000 33,770
(*Till Dec-2021) 39,500 26,587*


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