(a) whether some State Governments have requested for changes in the allocation criteria of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY);

(b) if so, the names of those States who have requested for changes in the allocation criteria of RKVY;

(c) the action taken by the Union Government thereon;

(d) whether some States have objected to opening of new windows within the RKVY;

(e) if so, the reasons therefor and the action taken by the Union Government thereon; and

(f) the criteria fixed by the Union Government for utilization of funds under RKVY?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): No, Madam. Operational Guidelines of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) has been revised for implementation from 2014-15 of XII plan based on feedback received from States, experience garnered during implementation in XI Plan and inputs provided by Stakeholders to enhance efficiency and efficacy of the programme. The allocation criteria fixed by the Union Government in the revised guidelines of the scheme is given under:

Sl. Criteria/Parameters Weightage No.
1 Percentage share of net un irrigated area in a state to the 15% net un irrigated area of all eligible states 2 Last three (3) years average area under oil seeds and 5% pulses 3 State’s highest GSDP for agriculture and allied sectors for 30% the past five years. 4 Increase in expenditure in Agriculture and allied sectors in 30% the previous year over the year prior to that year 5. Increase in Plan and non-plan expenditure made by the 10% States from the State Budgets on Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Agricultural Research & Education in the previous years over the year prior to that year. 6. Inverse of Yield gap between state average yield and 10% potential yield as indicated in the frontline demonstration data.
 (f):	As per the revised RKVY guidelines, out of total allocation available to States under RKVY Normal category (excluding allocation under Special Schemes), percentage shares of Production Growth, Infrastructure & Assets and Flexi Funds are 43.75%, 43.75% and 12.5% respectively. Out of these, States can allocate a maximum of 56.25% (43.75%+12.5% - flexi fund) to either Production Growth or Infrastructure & Assets streams. On the other hand, a minimum allocation 43.75% is stipulated for both these streams. However, to bring more flexibility in implementation of RKVY and to further boost creation of agriculture infrastructure & assets, the requirement of minimum allocation of RKVY fund to production growth stream has been waived off.