Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:
(a) whether 74 districts in the country are still without blood banks, if so, the details thereof indicating the names of such districts and the number of Government and private blood banks functioning in the country, State-wise;
(b) whether a number of people die due to lack of blood banks in such districts, if so, the details thereof and reaction of the Government thereto along with the remedial steps being taken in this regard;
(c) whether the Government has formulated any scheme for setting up blood banks on priority basis in remote, rural and border areas in the Country and if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether coordination with voluntary organizations, private and public sector is there to encourage voluntary blood donations and if so, the details thereof; and
(e) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to check and stop illegal sale of blood or related illegal activities?