Question : Use of Ring Nets by Fishermen

(a) whether it is a fact that traditional marine fishermen of various villages along the coast in Andhra Pradesh have decided to refrain from using ring nets as these nets are one of the main reasons behind depletion of fish catch in their areas, if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether there is a need for fishermen from adjoining areas to refrain from using ring nets in sea near their villages and the Government should seize such nets of those found fishing within 25kms from the coastline of their villages in Andhra Pradesh, if so, the details thereof and the steps being taken by the Government and the fishermen communities;

(c) whether a ring net is an intermediate hybrid between a purse seine and lampara net as it has rings at the lower edge of the net that enables use of a purse line to close it under the fish populace at a particular place in sea and also like on a lampara net, there is a central bunt in which the captured fish concentrates at two wings of the net are hauled together and due to this technique total fish populace of an area gets captured by ring nets, if so, the details thereof along with study undertaken in this regard and precautionary measures being taken in this regard to protect fish species also in the rivers and seas;

(d) whether it is also a fact that abundant use of ring nets leaves behind very less fish for other fishermen and it also has negative effect on fish population near the coast, if so, the details thereof and study conducted by the Government, fishermen communities/societies in this regard; and

(e) the steps being taken by the Government to advise fishermen not to do such activities to protect the rare species and fishes in rivers and seas along the coast of Andhra Pradesh?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes, Madam. Majority of the traditional marine fishermen are refraining from using ring nets. The Government of Andhra Pradesh has issued an order dated 6th August, 2005 prohibiting the use of Ring net (fishing net which is below ½ inch mesh size).
(b): Yes, Madam. It is essential to seize such nets in the territorial waters. The Government of Andhra Pradesh has already issued an order dated 6th August, 2005 prohibiting the use of Ring net.
(c): Ring nets and purse seines are gears used to fish in the open seas. The fish shoals are encircled and the entire encircled fishes are concentrated at central part of the net and then caught by hauling the net into the boat.
(d): Yes, Madam. Ring net is usually destructive in nature and likely to cause damage to juveniles of commercially important species. However, Ring nets are generally operated during periods of large fish abundance only. Central Fishery Institutions like Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) and Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT) also conduct studies on the use of ring nets.
(e): Government of Andhra Pradesh has issued an order dated 6th August, 2005 prohibiting the use of Ringvala. Accordingly, the Government is taking measures at field level to enforce the sustainability of fishery catch. The adverse impacts of ring net fishing and the do’s and don’ts for an healthy fishing were conveyed to fishers and respective government and non-government agencies through regular stakeholders meetings organised by the Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) Fisheries Institutes like CMFRI and CIFT.

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