(a) the total number of unrecognised schools in the country, State-wise;

(b) the total number of students studying in these schools; State-wise;

(c) whether the Government has done any study of the funds required by these schools for completely adhering to various provisions of the Right to Education (RTE) Act norms including maintaining minimum level of infrastructure;

(d) if so, the details thereof and the Government’s reaction thereon;

(e) whether many of these schools, including budget schools, might face closure because of their inability to adhere to stringent norms under RTE and consequently a huge number of students might be forced to drop out from these schools;

(f) if so, the details thereof and this Government’s reaction thereto; (g) whether sufficient capacity exists in Central and State Government schools to absorb the students who might drop out as a result of possible closure of these schools; and (h) if so, the details thereof and if not, the corrective steps being taken by the Government?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): As per the District Information System for Education (DISE) 2011-12, 25,928 unrecognised schools across the country have reported school data, indicating an enrolment of 28.40 lakh children, the state-wise details of which are given at Annexure.

(c) & (d): Private schools, including unrecognized schools, are subject to the provisions of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 and would have to take steps to fulfill the norms and standards specified under the Act at their own expense.

(e) to (h): The norms and standards for schools specified under the RTE Act, 2009 are minimalist in nature, and every school is required to adhere to them from the viewpoint of providing quality education to children. The unrecognized schools are also required to seek recognition under the RTE Act and have been given a three year time-window to complete their infrastructure requirements as per the norms and standards of the Act.

It is the responsibility of the State Government/local authority to provide free and compulsory elementary education to all children in the 6-14 age group in a neighbourhood school, including the children enrolled in schools which close down due to non-adherence to the RTE norms and standards