(a) whether the Union Government have any proposal for providing special incentive package for the improvement of the social sector projects in Orissa, m view of Orissa being one of the largest dominance of tribal population m the country having higher percentage of illiteracy amongst the tribals especially women and larger incidence offatal diseases like malaria, Pneumonia plurisi, etc;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Union Government propose to convert all the Tribal Development Programmes in the State from CSP to Central Plan Programme to avoid non-achievement of the target in CSP due to disastrous fiscal situation of the State not even bemg able to contribute the State`s matching share;

(d) if so the details thereof;

(e) whether the Union Government are considering for the establishment of large number of residential Sebashrams and Ashram schools in KBK districts of Orissa and tribal sub-plan areas under the Central Plan; and

(f) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) The Ministry of Tribal Affairs are implementing two Central Sector Schemes viz. Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub Plan (SCA to TSP) and Grants under Article 275(1) of the Constitution for welfare and. development of tribals m the country includmg Orissa. Under these two schemes, the followmg grants have been provided to the State during the last three years:

(Rs. in lakhs)
Name of Scheme 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02
SCA to TSP 5698.28 5188.40 6495.30 Art. 275(1) of the Constitution 1027.93 2957.10 4104.91

There is no proposal with the Ministry to provide a special incentiv~ package for Orissa.

(c) & (d) The Ministry of Tribal Affairs, keeping in view the financial crunch faced by the State Governments, including Orissa, has proposed 100010 grants-in-aid under the Scheme of Post Matrie Scholarship for ST students, and the enhancement of the Central share from 50% to 75% Under the Schemes of Construction of Boys Hostels and girls Hostels for STs and Establishment of Ashram Schools in Tribal Sub-Plan Areas.

(e) & (f) The Ministry of Tribal Affairs has released grants for the setting up of 8 model Residential Schools in Orissa, for providing quality education to the tribal students of Class VI to XII, viz Pungar in Kraput Disstt., Pallupai in Rayagada Distt., Dhanghara in Mayrbhanj Distt., `Bhawanipur in Sundergarh Distt., Bordei High School in Nabarangpur Distt., Mahasinghi in Kandhamal Distt., Chandragiri in Gajapati Distt., and another in Keonjhar Distt.

Further, a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, namely the `Establishment of Ashram Schools in Tribal Sub-Plan Areas` is already under implementation in Orissa, with the objective of extending educational facilities like the establishment of residential school for the STs in an environment conducive to learning. The funding for the Scheme with the State is done on a matching (50:50) basis, while cent percent assistance is provided to UTs.