Question : Measures to Safeguard Interest of Religious Minorities

(a) whether as per NCB data, communal riots registered an increase of ninety-six per cent in 2020 over the previous year and if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the Government is taking any measures to safeguard interest of religious minorities in the country and if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether the Government has any data on economic loss suffered by religious minorities on account of said violence;
(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;
(e) whether the Government has any data on displacement of religious minorities on account of said violence;
(f) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;
(g) whether the Government is taking any steps to safeguard minority interests and promote communal harmony in the North Eastern States; and
(h) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (h) “Public Order” and “Police” are State subjects as per the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India. The responsibility of maintaining law and order, registration and prosecution of crimes against all citizens including minorities, rests with the respective State Governments. As such, specific data regarding attacks against individual communities is not maintained centrally. Government of India monitors the internal security and law and order situation in the country and issues appropriate advisories from time to time to maintain peace, public tranquility and communal harmony. Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) are deployed to aid and assist State Governments, on their request, to maintain law and order and public tranquility.

The Government of India has issued Communal Harmony Guidelines, which, inter-alia lay down standard operating procedure to deal with situations arising out of any violence. These guidelines are aimed to maintain due vigilance, careful planning and preparatory measures to prevent and pre-empt communal violence.


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