Question : Elephants Killed in Accidents

(a) the number of elephants killed on railway tracks during the last three years and the current year;
(b) whether the Government has taken any steps to check such accidents and find a permanent solution to this problem;
(c) if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether the Government has identified elephant corridors for constructing speed breakers and installing sign boards; and
(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) Thirty five elephants have been killed on railway tracks during last three years i.e. during 2014 to 2016 and five elephants have been killed during current year upto July 2017.

(b) and (c) A number of measures have been taken by Railways in coordination with Ministry of Environment and Forest which include the following:
(i) Imposition of speed restrictions in identified locations,
(ii) Provision of signage board,
(iii) Sensitization of Train Crew and Station Masters on a regular basis,
(iv) Need based clearance of vegetation on the sides of the track within railway land,
(v) Construction of underpasses and ramps for the movement of elephants at identified locations and
(vi) Provision of fencing at isolated locations.
The above measures have helped in controlling death of wild animals.

(d) and (e) Elephant corridors have been identified by Indian Railways in coordination with Ministry of Environment and Forest. Speed restrictions on vulnerable sections, signage boards to pre-warn train drivers and whistle continuously to warn the elephants have also been provided wherever required.

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