Question : Development of Port at Duggirajupatnam

(a) whether the Union Government is aware that the development of major port at Duggirajupatnam has been considered non viable by NITI Aayog due to competition with other nearby major ports;

(b) the steps taken by the Union Government for further course of action in this regard; and

(c) whether the State Government has sent any proposal related to alternative options; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) Yes, Sir.

(b) to (d) Recommendations of NITI Aayog was conveyed to Government of Andhra Pradesh to furnish alternative site(s) for development of a Major Port in the State of Andhra Pradesh. Meanwhile, Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways constituted a Committee to examine the proposal for development of a Major Port in Andhra Pradesh and recommend further course of action. The Committee in its report advised that Sate Government may suggest alternate port site. State Government of Andhra Pradesh had requested the Government of India for providing financial assistance for development of Ramayapatnam as a Major Port in lieu of Duggirajupatnam. Simultaneously, State Government of Andhra Pradesh has notified the port limits of Ramayapatnam Port as a Non Major Port in Andhra Pradesh.


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