Question : Functioning of SAI

(a) the aims and objectives of the Sports Authority of India (SAI);
(b) the manner in which the Government monitors the functioning of SAI and ensures its accountability;
(c) whether the functioning of SAI has not been found satisfactory by the Government; and
(d) if so, the details thereof and the action taken in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Sports Authority of India (SAI) is a society under the purview of Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. The aims and objectives of SAI are given below:
? To promote and broad-base sports in the country;
? To identify/ scout sports talent and nurture it;
? To implement schemes/ programmes for achieving excellence in sports in different disciplines at international level in order to establish India as a major sporting power;
? To manage the Stadia in Delhi, which were constructed/ renovated for the IXth Asian Games held in 1982;
? To establish, run, manage and administer institutions to produce high caliber coaches, sports scientists and physical education teachers;
? To plan, construct, acquire, develop, manage, maintain and utilize sports infrastructure and facilities in the country;
? To initiate, undertake, sponsor, stimulate and encourage research projects related to various sports sciences for up-gradation of sports, sportspersons and coaches; and
? To initiate issues and/ or cooperate with other Central or State bodies and other institutions involved in sports promotion and development of sports excellence in the country.
(b) Government constitutes the General Body and Governing Body of SAI. Hon’ble Minister of Youth Affairs & Sports heads the General Body as its President and the Governing Body as its Chairman. The Ministry sanctions Grant-in-aid to SAI, supervises its utilization through submission of Utilization Certificates. The Ministry monitors the functioning of SAI Schemes and SAI centres through the Governing Body. Audited accounts and annual report of SAI are placed in Parliament.
(c) No, Madam.
(d) Does not arise.

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