Question : IPOs

(a) whether the current financial year has witnessed the highest Initial Public Offering (IPOs) activity in the country, if so, the details thereof;

(b) the details of the Public Sector Units (PSUs) and private companies who have applied for IPOs during the current financial year and the total amount of money raised by these companies through IPOs;

(c) whether there has been an increasing inclination of foreign investors to participate in these Indian IPOs over the last two years;

(d) if so, the details thereof along with the investment made by the Foreign Portfolio investors during the said period; and

(e) the number of companies which went for IPOs during the five years including the PSU companies along with the money raised, year-wise?

Answer given by the minister

The Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance (SHRI PON. RADHAKRISHNAN)

(a): The IPO offerings for the first eight months ended November 30, 2017 of Financial Year 2017-18, stands at Rs. 62,736 crore approximately, raised through 117 IPOs (including Small and Medium Enterprises or SME IPOs).
As per the information furnished by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the current financial year has witnessed the highest IPO activity in the country since the FY 2007-2008, when an amount of Rs. 52,219 Crores was raised through IPO.
The amount of capital raised (Rs. 62,736 crore) in this financial year is more than the cumulative amount raised for the last 5 financial years (Rs. 62,147 Crores). Details are tabulated below:
Period ended Number of IPOs Total amount raised [including Small and Medium Enterprises – Initial Public Offer (SME IPO)] (Rs. Crore) Remark
FY 2017-18 (Till November 30, 2017) 117 62,736
FY 2016-17 106 29,104
62,147 (cumulative for five years)
FY 2015-16 74 14,815
FY 2014-15 46 3,039
FY 2013-14 40 8,692
FY 2012-13 33 6,497

(b): Details of the amount raised by Private Companies and PSUs is as follows:
FY Private Companies Public Sector Units* Total
Number Amount (in Crores) Number Amount (in Crores) Number Amount (in Crores)
2017-18 (till November 2017) 113 39,427 4 23,309 117 62,736
*Offer for sale by GOI through disinvestment route
A table providing the details of fund raised by private companies and PSUs for the current financial year is placed at Annexure-A.

(c) & (d):As per available data for the FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18, it is observed that the investment by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) has more than doubled for the FY 2017-18. The details are as under:
Period ended Total amount invested by FPIs in IPOs (in Crores)
FY 2016-17 5,019
FY 2017-18 11,712

(e):Details of number of companies which went for IPOs during the five years including the PSU Companies, along with the money raised year wise is as follows:
Period ended Number of IPOs (including PSUs) Total amount raised [including Small and Medium Enterprises – Initial Public Offer (SME IPO)] (Rs. Crore) Number of PSUs which came out with IPOs (including OFS) Amount raised through disinvestment route by GOI (Rs. In Crore)
FY 2017-18 (Till November 30, 2017) 117 62,736 4 23,309
FY 2016-17 106 29,104 Nil Nil
FY 2015-16 74 14,815 Nil Nil
FY 2014-15 46 3,039 Nil Nil
FY 2013-14 40 8,692 Nil Nil
FY 2012-13 33 6,497 Nil Nil


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