Question : Border Fencing

(a) the total stretch in kilometres on the borders where fencing is to be erected with neighbouring countries and the details the target that has been achieved;

(b) the border areas along Pakistan and Bangladesh where fencing has been completed and the details thereof;

(c) whether there has been any delay in completing the work;

(d) if so, the reasons for the delay and other challenges;

(e) whether the Government has taken action against the hotspots of fake Indian currency notes and animal trafficking; and

(f) if so, the details thereof and the steps taken curb such activities?

Answer given by the minister



(a) & (b): Fencing is being erected on Indo-Pakistan border, Indo-Bangladesh border and Indo-Myanmar border. So far 5187 Km. length of International border has been covered by fence. Details of fencing along Indo-Pakistan and Indo-Bangladesh Border are as under:

LS.USQ. NO.2308 FOR 03.08.2021
(In Kms.)
Border Border covered by fence
Indo-Pakistan Border 2041
Indo-Bangladesh Border 3141

(c) & (d): The unfenced area includes non feasible stretches where fencing could not be constructed due to riverine and marshy land. These stretches are being covered through technological solution. Fencing along remaining feasible stretches has been hampered due to firing/objections from the counterpart country, difficult terrain, short working season, land acquisition problem, public protests and Covid-19 situation etc. Government has been persistent in its efforts to remove obstacles and ensure timely completion.
(e) & (f): To check fake Indian currency and animal trafficking, the Government has adopted a multi-pronged approach which inter-alia includes round the clock surveillance and patrolling on the borders and establishment of observation post; increase in number of BSF personnel; construction of border fencing & floodlighting; use of water crafts/boats and floating Border Out Posts (BOP) for domination of riverine area; advance technological equipments like Hand Held Thermal Imager (HHTI), Night vision Device (NVD), Twin Telescope, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV); upgradation of
intelligence setup and enhanced coordination with the State Governments/concerned intelligence agencies.

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