(a): The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy had been implementing the centrally
sponsored scheme âModified Integrated Rural Energy Programme (IREP)â on 50:50 cost sharing
basis with the States from 2003-04 to 2006-07. The programme aimed at development of
planning and institutional capabilities of the States to prepare and implement rural
energy projects in the selected clusters of villages. Renewable Energy and energy
conservation devices were installed in the projects taken up under the programme to meet
energy needs in identified village clusters. Five IREP Training Centres were also set up
in Bakoli (Delhi), Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), Anand (Gujarat), Bangalore (Karnataka)
\and Shillong (Meghalaya) with support from the programme. Under the IREP Programme, there
was a provision for preparing the micro-level energy plans for selected clusters of villages.
While drawing up proposals for the 11th Plan, a conscious decision was taken to the
effect that since IREP has already demonstrated its objectives, no fruitful purpose would be
served with its continuation during the 11th Plan.
(b) & (c): No, sir. The Programme was implemented upto Tenth Five Year Plan i.e. upto
2006-07 only. No fresh proposals have been sanctioned during the current financial year i.e.
(d): The modified IREP scheme was implemented in 21 States / UTs covering 323 districts
in the country. The State-wise details of villages taken up under the programme as on
31.03.2007 are given in the Annexure.
(e): A budget provision of Rs.10 crores has been made in the current financial year for
meeting the 10th Plan spillover liabilities of the programme. Further, a provision for one
time grant to States for the five training Centres in the current financial year has also
been proposed.
Annexure referred to in reply to Part (d) of the Lok Sabha Question No. 2064 for 30.11.2007
State-wise details of the districts and villages covered under the modified IREP programme
(as on 31.03.2007)
S.No. State / UT Districts Villages
1. Andhra Pradesh 13 58
2. Arunachal Pradesh 5 219
3. Chattisgarh 16 16
4. Gujarat 2 2
5. Haryana 19 186
6. Himachal Pradesh 12 157
7 J & K 14 19
8. Jharkhand 7 7
9. Karnataka 27 73
10. Kerala 14 14
11. Madhya Pradesh 48 122
12. Manipur 9 22
13. Meghalaya 7 38
14. Mizoram 6 22
15. Nagaland 6 19
16. Pondicherry 2 11
17. Punjab 17 172
18. Tamil Nadu 14 229
19. Tripura 2 27
20. Uttaranchal 13 65
21. Uttar Pradesh 70 173
TOTAL 323 1651