(a) whether a number of cases of Leptospirosis and death therefrom have been reported in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise;

(c) the steps taken/proposed by the Government for the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of Leptospirosis infected patients in the country;

(d) whether the Government proposes to set up research centres for prevention and control of Leptospirosis and other zoonotic diseases in various States/UTs including Gujarat; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes.

(b) Number of reported cases and deaths due to Leptospirosis during the years 2010-2013 are given in the annexure.

(c) A pilot project was implemented in the 11th Five Year Plan in the State of Gujarat, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Karnataka to prevent morbidity and mortality due to Leptospirosis in humans. Under this pilot project financial assistance was provided to the States for training of health personnel, strengthening of diagnostic facilities and carrying out awareness in the community.

The strategy for prevention and control of Leptospirosis consists of early diagnosis and prompt treatment, chemoprophylaxis and rodent control. Information, Education and Communication (IEC) inputs have been disseminated to the endemic States for implementation.

Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) is implemented in all States/UTs with the aim to detect and respond to outbreaks of epidemic prone diseases. Under IDSP, districts and States have been strengthened by providing additional manpower, training of identified Rapid Response Team (RRT) members for outbreak investigations, strengthening of laboratories for detection of epidemic prone diseases including Leptospirosis, ICT equipment for data entry, analysis and data transfer, and provision of funds for operationalization.

(d) & (e): Regional Medical Center, Port Blair, under Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), is the National Leptospirosis Reference Center, which carries out surveillance for Leptospirosis in Andamans, provides referral services in diagnosis, and conducts research and training related to Leptospirosis in the country. Due to increasing frequency of cases in other States in mainland, a Leptospirosis Diagnosis and Research Center has been set up at ICMR’s National Institute of Epidemiology in October 2012.