Question : Use of Artificial Intelligence to Counter Cyber Crime

Will the Minister of ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY be pleased to state: -

(a) whether the Government is considering to make the data of several departments available through artificial intelligence;
(b) if so, the phase-wise details thereof;
(c) whether the Government is taking steps to curb the cases of cyber crimes related to AADHAAR through this;
(d) if so, the details thereof;
(e) whether the Government is inviting international agencies to encourage the artificial intelligence; and
(f) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) and (b): Technology relating to AI such as Machine Learning, Data Analytics etc. are evolving and they can be very useful to improve services delivery in government and private sectors. An essential requirement for development of such technologies is availability of large volume of data on which the AI engines can work and thereafter develop applications. The Government is cognizant of the fact that data within government with various departments and data available with the private entities will help development of AI applications. A committee of representatives from industry, academia and government agencies has been constituted to recommend steps to be taken to enable the availability of data from various sources for AI keeping in mind the requirements of privacy and data protection.

(c) and (d): No Sir, UIDAI acts as per the Aadhaar Act, 2016 and Regulations framed there under which contains legal and penal provisions to address violations, if any

(e) and (f): It is felt that efforts to promote AI initiatives should involve the Industry and Academia in addition to Government agencies. Accordingly, as indicated at (a) above, the representatives of private industry have been involved in committees to recommend interventions relating to AI. A copy of the constitution of committees for promoting AI is kept at Annexure.

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