(a) & (b): National Agriculture Policy aims to attain growth rate in excess of 4% per
annum in the agriculture sector through efficient use of resources and conservation of soil,
water and bio-diversity. The strategies formulated by Government to rejuvenate the
agriculture sector, inter alia, include the following:
(i) Enhancing institutional credit flow to the farmers and strengthening of cooperative credit
structure with focus on progressive institutionalization and for providing timely and adequate
credit support to farmers with particular focus on small and marginal farmers to enable them to
adopt modern technology and improved agricultural practices for increasing agricultural
production and productivity;
(ii) Ensuring the timely availability of quality inputs;
(iii) Promoting farmer friendly, demand driven agriculture extension system;
(iv) Accelerating diversification to high value crops including horticulture activities;
(v) Strengthening infrastructure and the supply chain;
(vi) Optimizing the efficient utilization of available water resources through micro
irrigation and watershed development in dryland/rainfed areas; and
(vii) Reforming agricultural markets,
(c): A model law on marketing formulated by the Government of India has been circulated
to State Governments for considering suitable amendments to their concerned Act. The model
law, inter alia, provides for an institutional arrangements for registration of sponsoring
companies, recording of Contract Farming Agreement, indemnity to farmers land and lays down
a time bound dispute resolution mechanism. Several State Governments have already initiated
amendments to promote contract farming.