Question : Comprehensive Policy for Tourism Sector

(a) whether is it a fact that Government has structured several initiatives and relief measures to boost the tourism in India;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether the tourism sector contributes almost 10 per cent to the country’s economy;
(d) whether the Government is planning to put in place a comprehensive policy for the growth of the tourism sector; and
(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Yes, Sir. The initiatives taken by the Ministry of Tourism and relief measures announced under the Atmanirbhar Bharat package are at Annexure.

(c): As per estimation in accordance with 3rd TSA, the contribution of tourism (direct and indirect) in GDP was 5 per cent in 2018-19.

(d)& (e): Yes, sir. The new National Tourism Policy seeks to develop and promote India as a “Must Experience” and “Must Revisit” destination. The policy will target the following eight Strategic Areas:

i) Develop Infrastructure- To strengthen Physical, IT and Tourism Infrastructure of tourist destinations.
ii) Enhance Visitor Experience- To position India as a welcoming, safe, clean, hygienic and accessible destination.
iii) Develop and Diversify Tourism Products: Develop India as a hub of Heritage Tourism, develop various niche tourism products, market specific products and State specific products.
iv) Support Business Development - To promote Startups, MSMEs and entrepreneurship in tourism sector, to improve ease of doing business.
v) Facilitate Skill Development- To facilitate availability of skilled manpower for tourism sector.
vi) Market India- To promote India aggressively in overseas and domestic markets including digital marketing, to position tourism as a vehicle for expanding India’s soft power.
vii) Assure Quality- To provide for quality assurance and voluntary regulation.
viii) To Build Institutional Capacity-- Build institutional capacity and enhance institutional linkages.


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