(a)&(b) All the States/UTs except the state of Gujarat, J&K, Kerala, Punjab, Uttar
Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshdweep have
confirmed disbursement of pension at enhanced rate. The State of Gujarat, J&K, Kerala,
Punjab and Manipur have intimated that the matter is under consideration. Reply from
Meghalaya, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep is awaited.
(c) Enclosed as annexure-I.
(d) &(e) After transfer of the scheme to the State Plan since 2002-03, the funds are being
allocated by the Planning Commission and the Ministry of Rural Development and
released by Ministry of Finance on the recommendation of the Ministry of Rural
Development as Additional Central Assistance (ACA) in a combined manner for all the
three schemes viz. National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS), National Family Benefit
Scheme (NFBS) and Annapurna. The ACA provided to the States / UTs under NSAP
and Annapurna are to be utilized by the States/ UTs as Welfare Schemes of NOAPS,
NFBS or free food grains to the aged by taking one or two or all of the three schemes or
in any another combination in accordance with their own priorities and needs. The funds
provided for the year 2005-06 and 2006-07 and the no. of beneficiaries reported by the
States is enclosed as Annexure-II and III.
(f) As per guidelines of the Schemes, the States are required to furnish Quarterly physical
and financial progress report in the given format by the 15th of month of the following
quarter. Non reporting of the physical and financial progress reports is construed as lack
of progress and therefore, may result in non-release of ACA for the last quarter of the
financial year. Review of NSAP and Annapurna has also been made part of the agenda
of District Level Vigilance and Monitoring Committees.
To review the programme and to implement the Programme in more effective
manner, meeting of Nodal Secretary of States dealing with NSAP and Annapurna are
oraganised by the Ministry of Rural Development from time to time.
Annexure refer to in reply to part (c) of the Lok Sabh Unstarred Question No.535
due for reply on 2.3.2007
1. The scale of benefit and eligibility for various schemes of NSAP are as follows:
(i) National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS): Central assistance of Rs 200 per
month is provided per beneficiary for destitutes above 65 years. The scheme
covers destitutes having little or no regular means of subsistence from his / her
own sources of income or through financial support from family members or
other sources. In order to determine destitution, the criteria, if any, currently in
force in the State / UT Governments is adapted. The Government of India
reserves the right to review these criteria and suggest appropriate revised criteria.
(ii) National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS): Similarly under National Family
Benefit Scheme (NFBS) Rs.10000/- has to be given to the bereaved household on
the death of the `primary breadwinner`. The primary breadwinner as specified in
the scheme, whether male or female, has to be a member of the household whose
earning contribute substantially to the total household income. The death of such
a primary breadwinner occurring whilst he or she is in the age group of 18 to 64
years i.e., more than 18 years of age and less than 65 years of age, makes the
family eligible to receive grants under the scheme.
(iii) Annapurna Scheme: This Scheme aims at providing food security to meet the
requirement of those senior citizens who, though eligible, have remained
uncovered under the NOAPS. Under the Annapurna Scheme 10 kgs of food
grains per month are provided free of cost to the beneficiary. The ceiling on the
total number of Annapurna beneficiaries is to be at least 20% of the persons
eligible to receive pension under NOAPS.
2. Selection: The Gram Panchayat / Municipalities are expected to play an active
role in the identification of the beneficiaries under the three schemes.
3. Disbursement: Apart from the disbursal of benefits through the accounts of the
beneficiaries in Banks or in Post Office Savings Banks or through Postal Money Order
the assistance under NOAPS, can also be disbursed in public meetings such as Gram
Sabha meetings in rural areas and by neighbourhood / mohalla committees in urban areas.
Annexure referred and reply to part (d) & (e) of Lok Sabha Unstarred
Question No. 535 due for reply on 2.3.2007
Funds Allocated and Released to the States/UTs during 2005-06 and 2006-07
(Rs. in Lakh) Year : 2005-06 Year : 2006-07
Sl.No States/UTs Combined Total Combined Total Allocation Release Allocation Release for 3 schemes for 3 schemes
1 Andhra Pradesh 6746.70 6746.70 14882.08 11161.55
2 Bihar 13213.06 13213.06 36002.21 27001.65
3 Chhattisgarh 2890.35 2880.35 7321.38 5491.05
4 Goa 66.95 66.95 66.95 50.22
5 Gujarat 3582.50 3582.50 5601.09 4200.82
6 Haryana 1311.73 1311.73 3296.24 2472.19
7 Himachal Pradesh 547.17 547.17 1389.07 1041.81
8 J & K 735.10 735.10 1716.73 1287.54
9 Jharkhand 4615.34 4615.34 12746.83 9560.13
10 Karnataka 5207.76 5207.76 11238.58 8428.94
11 Kerala 2874.17 2874.17 5040.98 3780.74
12 Madhya Pradesh 7649.45 7649.45 17387.81 13040.85
13 Maharashtra 10234.03 10234.03 22213.90 16660.43
14 Orissa 5899.77 5899.77 17021.70 12766.29
15 Punjab 897.89 897.89 1601.91 1201.43
16 Rajasthan 3773.48 3754.48 8533.25 6399.93
17 Tamilnadu 7043.03 7043.03 13159.75 9869.82
18 Uttar Pradesh 19851.70 19851.70 50432.59 37824.45
19 Uttarakhand 1224.26 1224.26 3217.40 2413.06
20 West Bengal 7993.56 7993.56 18914.86 14186.15 Total 106358.00 106329.00 251785.31 188839.05
North Eastern States
21 Arunachal Pradesh 415.46 415.46 759.10 569.33
22 Assam 8218.02 8218.02 19717.54 14788.16
23 Manipur 628.92 628.92 1320.90 990.69
24 Meghalaya 684.72 684.72 1479.85 1109.88
25 Mizoram 195.85 195.85 345.30 258.99
26 Nagaland 447.02 447.02 1016.70 762.54
27 Sikkim 190.69 190.69 378.18 283.65
28 Tripura 1119.32 1119.32 2386.93 1790.19 Sub Total 11900.00 11900.00 27404.50 20553.43
29 A&N Islands 20.00 20.00 78.42 71.89
30 Chandigarh 16.00 16.00 16.00 14.67
31 D&N Haveli 15.00 15.00 78.42 71.89
32 Daman & Diu 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.67
33 NCT Delhi 567.00 567.00 567.00 519.75
34 Lakshadweep 5.00 5.00 5.60 5.13
35 Pondicherry 115.00 115.00 115.00 105.42
Sub Total 742.00 742.00 864.44 792.41
GRAND TOTAL 119000.00 118971.00 280054.25 210184.89
Annexure -III
Annexure referred and reply to part (d) & (e) of Lok Sabha Unstarred
Question No. 535 due for reply on 2.3.2007
Number of Beneficiaries reported by the State/Uts during 2005-06
Sl.No. States/UTs No. of Beneficiaries reported NOAPS NFBS Annapurna
1 Andhra Pradesh 466000 16492 93200
2 Bihar 820193 27920 148483
3 Chhattisgarh 183893 11472 25337
4 Goa 3451 282 NR
5 Gujarat 63550 7718 20358
6 Haryana 95800 4500 NR
7 Himachal Pradesh 22700 3040 5242
8 J & K 64708 3110 NR
9 Jharkhand 166236 3744 54939
10 Karnataka 488130 NR NR
11 Kerala 131346 NR 44980
12 Madhya Pradesh 683680 30551 NR
13 Maharashtra 659429 18302 120000
14 Orissa 493381 4635 NR
15 Punjab 45853 1290 NR
16 Rajasthan 144555 10426 119162
17 Tamilnadu 481028 48977 71974
18 Uttar Pradesh 1461481 30500 NR
19 Uttarakhand 64246 3000 NR
20 West Bengal 451579 13296 67611 Sub Total 6991239 239255 771286
North Eastern States
21 Arunachal Pradesh 12923 260 NR
22 Assam 614513 15539 26640
23 Manipur 43619 2024 22695
24 Meghalaya 33776 618 9263
25 Mizoram 10525 400 2583
26 Nagaland 30051 680 NR
27 Sikkim 14869 157 2500
28 Tripura 83972 1460 17351 Sub Total 844248 21138 81032
29 A&N Islands 665 NR NR
30 Chandigarh 4497 157 NR
31 D&N Haveli 1086 134 NR
32 Daman & Diu 372 NR
33 NCT Delhi 150000 400 NR
34 Lakshadweep 32 NR NR
35 Pondicherry NR NR NR Sub Total 156652 691 GRAND TOTAL 7992139 261084 852318
NR : Not Reported