(a) The grants for environmental projects under various Schemes are sanctioned as per guidelines of respective Schemes dealt by this Ministry. The projects are selected on merit basis. The salient features of the Grants-in-Aid Scheme for Voluntary agencies/NGOs being implemented by this Ministry are as under:-
(i) Research and Development Scheme: To generate information and knowledge required for developing policies, strategies, action plans from outcomes of R&D projects.
(ii) Clean Technology Scheme: To minimize the generation of waste streams in the production processes and utilize waste from other consumption goods and production processes.
(iii) Centre of Excellence Scheme: To provide selective support to the Universities, reputed institutions including NGOs and other scientific and technological institutions to develop into advanced centres in a particular subject.
(iv) National Environment Awareness Scheme: Financial assistance to NGOs, schools, colleges, etc. for generating awareness and action oriented activities.
(v) Wildlife Crime Control Bureau Scheme: Intelligence gathering and dissemination for coordinated efforts for inter state wildlife crime control, coordination with national/international agencies and capacity building for the above activities.
(vi) Environmental Information System Scheme: To develop Environmental Information System (ENVIS) as comprehensive web-enabled, content based interactive, disaggregated information network through a distributed data base.
(vii) National Mission on Himalayan Studies: To support the sustenance and enhancement of the ecological, natural, cultural and socio-economic capital assets and values of the Indian Himalayan Region.
(viii) Integrated Eco-development Research Programme: to provide extra mural funds to different Universities/Institutions/NGOs/Voluntary Agencies for support of location specific R&D activities in the Indian Himalayan Region.
(ix) Animal Welfare Scheme: To provide financial assistance to NGOs/Animal Welfare Organisations for establishment and maintenance of shelter houses/sterilization and immunization of stray dogs/providing animals rescue vehicles/providing relief to animals affected during natural calamities.
(b) Details of grants released to Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs)/ Voluntary Agencies, Scheme-wise/State-wise are enclosed as per ANNEXURE.
(c) & (d) Grants for environmental projects are sanctioned as per the guidelines of various schemes on need/merit basis. The other activities, like planting of trees, are being done by the agencies on voluntary basis.
(e) NIL.
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