(a) the details of funds allocated/released under women empowerment and child development schemes during each of the last three years and thereafter, State-wise;

(b) whether the Government monitors the utilization of these funds by the States and Union Territories;

(c) if so, the performance of the State Governments/UTs in this regard during the above period;

(d) whether the Government has given any fresh guidelines to State Governments for the effective implementation of these schemes;

(e) if so, the details thereof;

(f) the achievements made so far in the improvement of living conditions of women and children after implementation of these schemes, State-wise; and

(g) the details of new schemes proposed to be formulated for women and children in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) & (g) A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement referred to in reply to Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 429 for 26.04.2005 regarding Welfare Scheme for Women and Children by Shri Subrata Bose and Shri Jashubhai Dhanabhai Barad.

(a) Details of funds released to the States under various schemes are available in the Annual Reports of the Department of Women and Child Development which are available in the Parliament Library.

(b) Yes, Sir. A system of monitoring the utilization of funds by the States/UTs exist under various schemes through periodical reports, review meetings and field visits by the concerned officials.

(c) Under the Centrally sponsored schemes continuing from year to year, funds are released on the basis of requirements and utilization of funds sanctioned earlier to State Governments/ UTs . The releases and utilization of funds by State Governments/UTs during the period have been generally satisfactory.

(d) & (e) Review of implementation of schemes is a continuing process. Guidelines are issued from time to time regarding the steps/procedures for effective implementation of schemes as and when considered necessary.

(f) The physical and financial performance of the schemes of the Department are outlined in the Annual Reports and Performance Budget 2005-06 available in the Parliament Library and departmental website http:// www.

(g) Formulation and introduction of new schemes for women and children are considered based on needs and requirements from time to time. The effort of the Department is directed towards consolidating and improving the delivery of services through existing schemes.