(a): Yes, Sir.
(b): The details of the steps taken to induct clean coal technologies are as follows:
i) Government has notified thermal power stations located in specified areas to use coal
with ash content not exceeding 34%. Govt. is encouraging setting Up of coal washeries by
private operators on behalf of coai consumers.
ii) In order to harness Coal Bed Methane (CBM) potential in the country, Govt. formulated
a CBM policy in 1997. A total of 16 CBM blocks have been awarded so far for exploration
and production of CBM. In addition a demonstration project named Coal Bed Methane Recovery
& Commercial Utilization has been taken up in collaboration with United Nations Development
Programme(UNDP) and Global Environment Facility (GEF). The project has been sanctioned by
Govt. of India in September,1999 and is under implementation at Sudamdih and Moonidih mines
at BCCL.
iii) To establish underground coal gasification technology, a Memorandum Of Understanding
(MOU) with Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has already been approved by Board of
Directors of CIL. Initial work of data exchange needed for identification of trial site
has been taken up.
iv) Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) proposes to take up a Underground Coal Gasification
(UCG) project in a suitable lignite block in Rajasthan under Ministry of Coal`s S & T
programme and Department of Science & Technology funding at a total cost of Rs. 1125 lakhs.
(c) & (d): Private Sector is already participating in the development of clean coal
technologies like CBM and coal washeries.