Question : Small Farmers Agrobusiness Consortium

(a) the details of the initiatives and achievements made through Small Farmers Agrobusiness Consortium (SFAC) in Bihar, district-wise; and

(b) the details of the FPOs functioning in Bihar and Maharashtra along with the changes witnessed in the life of farmers through the said FPOs, district-wise?

Answer given by the minister


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(a): Government of India through Small Farmers’ Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC), a registered society under Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India, is promoting Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) by mobilizing the farmers and helping them in registering as companies and providing them with handholding support and training for their sustainability. SFAC has undertaken various FPO promotion programmes in the country through various schemes. SFAC is one of the Implementing Agencies under the Central Sector Scheme for formation and promotion of FPOs. Further, SFAC is implementing schemes of Venture Capital Assistance(VCA) and National Agriculture Market (e-NAM).
In the state of Bihar, SFAC has promoted 38 Farmer Producer Companies till date under under different programmes and schemes. The district wise details of the same is at Annexure-A. Further, under the new Central Sector Scheme for formation and promotion of FPOs, the SFAC is promoting 24 FPCs in the State of Bihar.
SFAC has extended equity grant to 25 FPCs amounting to Rs. 1.30 Cr.
In Bihar, SFAC has provided Venture Capital Assistance(VCA) of Rs. 1.63 Cr. to five Agri-Entrepreneurs.
Under e-NAM scheme, the concerned State/UT had to submit the proposal in the form of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) to integrate their mandis with e-NAM portal following the e-NAM scheme guideline. As per targets earlier set, 1000 mandis have been integrated based on proposals received from various States/UTs. However, no DPRs has been received from Government of Bihar for implementation of e-NAM in Bihar within targeted number.
(b): As informed by the Department of Agriculture, Government of Bihar, the district wise list of Farmer Producer Companies in Bihar is at Annexure-B
As informed by the Commissionarate of Agriculture, Maharashtra State, Pune, there are 5320 registered Producer Companies till 31st May, 2021. The district wise list of Producer Companies is at Annexure – C.
As per the Evaluation Report of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) on FPO component titled “Impact Study 7- Enhanced realization of agriculture produce marketed through PCs/FCSCs under Maharashtra Agricultural Competitiveness Project (MACP)” brings out the following major points : (i) sale through Farmer Producers Companies (FPCs) has resulted in increased price realization by members by 22%, (ii) Incidence of cost of marketing is 31% lower than other channels (iii) 28 percent of members have purchased inputs from PCs and it has resulted into net savings of Rs.1384 per acre.

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