Question : Development Action Plan for Scheduled Tribes

(a) the reasons for the low utilisation of funds allocated for the Scheduled Tribes;

(b) the details of the Government’s plan to revamp the Development Action Plan for Scheduled Tribes; and

(c) the impact that such a change is expected to bring about?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c): 41 Central Ministries / Departments have to earmark funds for welfare and development of Scheduled Tribes under various schemes. These earmarked funds termed Scheduled Tribes Component are between 4.3% to 10% of schematic outlays except in the case of Ministry of Tribal Affairs where its entire schematic outlays is for Scheduled Tribes. During current financial year, allocation under Schedule Tribe Components is given at Annexure I.
In so far as Ministry of Tribal Affairs is concerned outlay vis a vis expenditure is given below. Ministry of Tribal Affairs has ensured full utilization of its outlay for Welfare and development of Scheduled Tribes and area.
Year BE Expenditure %age Exp of BE
2016-17 4800.14 4793.96 99.87
2017-18 5300.14 5285.67 99.73
2018-19 5957.18 5954.74 99.96

Utilization of funds under Scheduled Tribe Component (STC) is the responsibility of
respective Ministries / Departments. Review of performance under STC of various Ministries / Departments is conducted to ensure that funds are utilized for Development and Welfare of Scheduled Tribes by all concerned.

Annexure 1
Annexure referred to in reply to parts (a) to (c) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3666 for 16.03.2020 regarding Development action Plan for Scheduled Tribes.
Allocation made by Central Ministries for welfare of STs (STC) for 2019-20
SL.NO. MINISTRY/DEPARTMENT Earmarking Percentage Prescribed STC Allocation 2019-2020
(Rs. in crore)
1 Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers'' Welfare 8.6 11168.01
2 Department of Agricultural Research and Education 4.3 114.81
3 Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH)
4 Ministry of Coal 8.6 94.35
5 Department of Commerce* 4.3 25.01
6 Department of Telecommunications 4.3 800.57
7 Department of Consumer Affairs* 4.3 2.66
8 Department of Food and Public Distribution* 4.3 2.00
9 Ministry of Culture 4.3 35.10
10 Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region 8.6 810.50
11 Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology 6.7 251.32
12 Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change 8.6 102.50
13 Department of Fisheries# 8.6 53.83
14 Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying 8.6 235.73
15 Ministry of Food Processing Industries 4.3 47.34
16 Department of Health and Family Welfare 8.6 4042.09
17 Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs 4.3 324.71
18 Department of School Education and Literacy 10.7 5831.51
19 Department of Higher Education 8.6 1605.00
20 Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation
21 Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation 10 1999.47
22 Ministry of Labour and Employment 8.6 929.06
23 Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises 8.6 560.39
24 Ministry of Mines 4.3 25.55
25 Ministry of New and Renewable Energy 8.6 441.00
26 Ministry of Panchayati Raj 8.6 62.82
27 Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas 4.3 1570.21
28 Ministry of Power 8.6 803.79
29 Ministry of Road Transport and Highways 4.3 2610.00
30 Department of Rural Development* 17.5 5984.12
31 Department of Land Resources 10 221.60
32 Department of Science and Technology 4.3 115.78
33 Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 8.6 214.59
34 Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 8.6 88.22
35 Ministry of Textiles 8.6 216.99
36 Ministry of Tourism 4.3 90.00
37 Ministry of Tribal Affairs 100 6847.89
38 Ministry of Women and Child Development 8.6 2486.64
39 Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports 8.6 161.17
Grand Total 51283.5

* Expenditures in the nature of universal coverage including STs or neutral have not been taken into account by the following Ministries for earmarking STC funds:
(i) Department of Food and Public Distribution
(ii) Department of Consumer Affairs
(iii) Department of Rural Development
(iv) Department of Commerce
(v) Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas

# Separate allocation has been made by Department of Fisheries during 2019-20 (Earlier it was integral with Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries)

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