Question : Pollution from Cement Factories

(a) whether the Government is aware of severe water crisis and spread of serious diseases caused by pollutants emanating from cement factories in several States in the country particularly in Aurangabad district of Bihar;
(b) if so, the details thereof; and
(c) the corrective measures taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a)& (b) There are two cement (grinding) units namely M/s Bihar Cement Plant (capacity: 4.5MMTPA) & M/s New Bihar Cement Plant (capacity: 5.5MMTPA) located at Industrial Growth Centre, Dist-Aurangabad, Bihar.

No complaint has been received in CPCB regarding severe water crisis or spread of serious deceases caused by pollution emanating from this factory.Cement manufacturing involves water use for cooling purpose. Besides, water is used for domestic purpose, maintaining greenery, and water sprinkling for dust suppression. Otherwise, cement manufacturing is not a water intensive industry in terms of manufacturing process.

Cement plants are basically an air polluting industry which mainly emits Particulate Matter (PM) as pollutant. The cement plants which manufacture clinker emit NOx and SO2 also due to fuel use. Central Government has prescribed permissible limits for these emissions from cement plants. Spread of serious diseases caused by pollutants emanating from cement factories has not been reported.

(c) Central Government has constituted Central Ground Water Authority to take care of issues related to ground water scarcity. Any complaints about water crisis due to cement factories due to cement factories may be addressed by CGWA.

Central Government has stipulated standards / maximum permissible limits for emission of air pollutants from cement plants. These standards are enforced by state pollution control boards. Any complaints about air pollution due to cement factories may be addressed by SPCBs. The assessment of of Ground water for all block of Aurangabad is attached herewith.

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