Question : Blood Banks

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) the annual requirement and collection of blood in the country along with the details of Government and private blood banks functioning at present, State/ UT-wise;

(b) whether the Government has formulated any scheme for setting up of blood banks on priority basis in each district particularly in rural, remote and border areas of the country and if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise;

(c) whether the complaints regarding wastage of blood in blood banks particularly in hospitals have been reported and if so, the details thereof;

(d) the steps taken by the Government to streamline blood collection as well as storage and ensure optimum utilisation of collected blood by blood banks in the country; and

(e) the other measures being taken by the Government to increase blood donors in the country?

Answer given by the minister

(a): The details of annual requirement and blood collection along with details of Government and private blood banks are given in Annexure I and II.

(b): All districts of the country barring 74 have at least one licensed Blood Bank. Government has provided support for set up of blood banks in 68 districts of the country predominantly to cater to the patients in the rural hinterland. State/ UT wise details are given in Annexure III.

(c) & (d): No such complaints have come to notice of the Government.

However to streamline blood collection as well as storage and optimum utilization, a digital platform E Rakt Kosh has been set up to network licensed blood banks of the State and display availability of stocks of blood and blood components in public domain. Bulk transfer of blood and blood components between blood banks has been permitted to avoid shortages and excesses. 32 Blood Mobile Buses and over 250 Blood Transportation Vans are functional across the country to facilitate collection and transportation of blood in cold chain. Blood Storage Centres are set up in First referral units to make blood available close at hand to the community.

(e): Government has taken concerted steps towards an effective communication strategy using multimedia approach, including social media for promotion of voluntary blood donation especially among the healthy youth and workforce. National and State level events are observed on 14th June (World Blood Donor Day) and 1st October (National Voluntary Blood Donation Day). Government supports conduction of over 60000 Voluntary Blood Donation Camps each year and provision of refreshments and tokens of appreciation to over five million blood donors.

Other measures include felicitation of blood donors and donor organizations as a mark of appreciation and conduction of nation-wide blood drives and campaigns with the support of non Governmental Organizations. An enabling provision of four special casual leaves each year provides encouragement to Central Government employees to enrol as regular blood donors.

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