(a) The unit for Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) is a Habitation and not a Revenue village or a Panchayat. Against 14,804 habitations of 250+, 500+ and 1000+ population size as per census, 2001, identified for coverage under PMGSY in the State of Uttar Pradesh, a total of 14,183 habitations has already been provided all-weather road connectivity, including 2,436 habitations connected by State out of their own resources, 619 habitations have been dropped and the remaining 2 habitations are at different stages of completion and connectivity. The district-wise details of all-weather road connectivity to eligible habitations under PMGSY are given at Annexure.
(b) to (d) PMGSY roads are constructed by the State Governments with a design life of at least 10 years. As per PMGSY guidelines, maintenance of roads constructed under the programme is the responsibility of the State Governments and all road works are covered by initial five year maintenance contracts to be entered into along with the construction contract, with the same contractor, as per the Standard Bidding Document. Maintenance funds to service the contract are required to be budgeted by the State Governments and placed at the disposal of the State Rural Roads Development Agencies (SRRDAs) in a separate maintenance account. On expiry of this 5 year post construction maintenance, PMGSY roads are required to be placed under Zonal maintenance contracts consisting of 5 year maintenance including renewal as per cycle, from time to time.
Since 2016-17, financial incentives are given to top performing States, which show higher achievement in the year on the basis of predefined parameters. This incentive money is used by the States specifically for periodic maintenance of roads. As a measure of further enhancing the focus on maintenance of roads during the defect liability period and also streamline the delivery of routine maintenance of PMGSY roads, the Ministry has implemented the Electronic Maintenance of PMGSY roads (eMARG) in all the states. The eMARG is a GIS-based Enterprise e-Governance end to end solution, for performance evaluation of roads and payment to contractors for routine maintenance. This is being implemented in all States. 11 States out of 29 states, including Uttar Pradesh, are making maintenance related payments to contractors/agencies.
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