Question : APDRP

(a) the details of funds allocated, sanctioned and released to various States and power distribution companies under the Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (APDRP) during each of the last three years;

(b) the reasons for shortfall in releases as compared to the sanctions, State/UT wise;and

(c) the benefits of technology enhancement and the total estimated energy savings achieved under this scheme till date?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (APDRP) was launched in 2002-03 as additional central assistance to the states for strengthening and up gradation of sub -transmission and distribution systems with main objectives of reduction in AT&C and commercial losses; improve quality and reliability of supply of power. All the states have completed the exercise of closure of the on-going projects of X Plan APDRP.

Government of India approved the Restructured-Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (R-APDRP) as a Central Sector Scheme in July, 2008. The focus of R-APDRP is on actual demonstrable performance by utilities in terms of sustained Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) loss reduction in the project areas. Projects under the scheme are taken up in two parts in towns having population more than 30,000 (10,000 for special category States) as per census 2001. Part-A of the scheme is for establishing IT enabled system for energy accounting / auditing, customer care, computerized billing and collection etc., Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for cities with a population of 4 lacs and Annual Energy Input of 350MU and Part-B projects are for up-gradation, augmentation & strengthening of electrical infrastructure in projects towns. Under R-APDRP, no funds are allocated to States but are released in the form of loans against sanctioned projects in installments based on progress of projects and on achieving pre-defined milestones. So far (as on 28th February, 2013), under R-APDRP, projects worth Rs.32323.67Crores have been sanctioned. Cumulatively an amount of Rs.6456.01Crore has been disbursed under R-APDRP, for sanctioned projects.

The total amount of central financial assistance sanctioned and disbursed to various state power utilities under the R-APDRP Programme during each of last three financial years and the current year is enclosed at Annex.

(b) Till date, there has been no shortfall in release of funds for the sanctioned schemes. The demands of utilities are being catered to as per R-APDRP guidelines.

In R-APDRP, initially, 30% of scheme cost as first tranche for Part-A projects and up to 15% of scheme cost for Part-B projects is provided to the states after sanction of the projects.

(c) R-APDRP scheme was launched by the Government of India in July 2008 with the aim to reduce AT&C losses and improving power distribution sector of state utilities.

As per PFC`s report AT&C losses at national level has been reduced from 36.64% in 2002-03 to 26.15% in 2010-11. R-APDRP Scheme is still under implementation and 291 towns have been integrated with data center under Part-A of the Scheme. Initial assessment indicates reduction of AT&C losses on an average 6 to 7% in these towns.

Since, the projects sanctioned under R-APDRP scheme are at various stages of implementation, the benefits of technology enhancement and the total estimated energy savings achieved as a result thereof will be known only after the completion of the projects.