Question : Mobile Data Usage

(a) whether the country’s mobile data usage per smartphone is highest in the world and if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto;

(b) the steps taken by the Government to monitor the contents of the data usage; and

(c) whether the Government has advised mobile manufacturers and telecom service providers to improve device penetration, provide affordable data tariff plans and long range signal connectivity to their customers and if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) As per the reports furnished by the Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), the average mobile data usage per subscriber during the month of May 2019 was 10,054 MB. Data usage per smartphone is not maintained by the Department. No authentic information is available to the Government on the mobile data usage in other countries.

(b) License conditions do not permit TSPs to monitor the contents of data usage by customers. However, on the basis of directions of Court/ Enforcement Agencies/ Department of Telecommunications, identified web addresses containing any objectionable, obscene or unauthorized content are blocked by TSPs from time to time.

(c) As reported by TSPs, currently more than 95% population in the country is covered by 3G/ 4G services. Decision on deployment and expansion of network and devices depends on business considerations of the TSPs and device manufacturers.

As per the present tariff framework in the country, the tariff for telecommunication services is under forbearance except for national roaming, rural fixed line services and leased circuits. TSPs have the flexibility to offer different tariff plans/schemes depending on the market conditions and other commercial considerations.

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