Question : Utilisation of CSR Funds

(a) the details and the names of the projects for which Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds has been utilized during the last three years and such funds available with the Public Sector;

(b) whether the Government is aware of misuse of the said CSR funds of PSUs/ Public Works Department and if so, the details thereof;

(c) the details of the initiatives taken by the Government for proper utilisation of CSR funds; and

(d) the details of CSR funds utilized in NCT of Delhi during the last three years?

Answer given by the minister


(a): As per information available in Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), the CSR expenditure incurred by CPSEs during last three years is as under:

Year No. of CPSEs Expenditure
(? crore)
2017-18 152 3442.38
2018-19 150 3873.32
2019-20 148 5066.93

The CSR expenditure of the CPSEs are broadly on the activities relating to Health Care and Sanitation, Education and Skill Development, Empowerment of Women and other Economically Backward Sections, Environmental Sustainability, Art & Culture, Sports, Rural Development and Slum Area Development, etc.

(b), & (c): CSR is a Board driven process and the Board of the company is empowered to plan, decide, execute and monitor CSR activities of the company based on the recommendations of its CSR Committee. CSR of CPSEs are governed as per the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder. All CPSEs qualifying for CSR expenditure are mandated to implement CSR activities/ projects in pursuance of their CSR policy by following the procedure as notified by Ministry of Corporate Affairs in Companies (CSR Policy) Rules and Companies (CSR Policy) Amendment Rules, 2021, including redressal of complaints or misuse, if any, in this regard.
Further, based on the recommendations of CPSE Conclave 2018, with the approval of competent DPE has issued guidelines to all administrative Ministries and CPSEs for adopting a theme based focused approach every year on CSR expenditure by CPSEs. These guidelines inter-alia provide that CSR expenditure for such thematic programmes should be around 60% of annual CSR expenditure of CPSEs and the aspirational districts identified by NITI Aayog may be given preference.
(d): As per information furnished by M/o Corporate Affairs, the CSR amount spent in Delhi is as follows:
Financial Year Amount Spent
(INR in crore)
2017-18 558.32
2018-19 663.43
2019-20 47.63


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