(a): Yes, Sir.
(b): It is proposed to increase the production of all the four varieties of Raw SilkâMulberry,Tasar,Eri and Muga from
the level of total 18,475 MTs (at the end of 2006-07) to 26,000 MTs by the end of XI Plan Period.The Government of India
through Central Silk Board is implementing a centrally sponsored Scheme viz. Catalytic Development Programme (CDP) during XI
Plan in collaboration with the State Governments.The package under CDP covers three major areas-Seed sector,Cocoon sector
and Post-cocoon sector and will be supplemented by other components of support services which are common to all packages.
The Government of India has approved an outlay of Rs.1476.24 crores during the XI Plan, of which the Union Governmentâs
share is Rs.661.62 crores.
(c) & (d): Yes sir.The Central Silk Board has received proposals from different State Governments for release of funds
under Catalytic Development Programme (CDP) and based on the proposals received from the State Governments,during the first
year of the XI Plan period (2007-08),Government of India through Central Silk Board has released its share of Rs. 80.82
crores towards implementation of various schemes/components under CDP and for the current year 2008-09,a sum of Rs.30.76
crores has been released to different State Governments.