Question : Women Empowerment Lab in Dairy Extension Division

(a) whether the Government proposes to expand the coverage of women empowerment lab established in dairy extension division for capacity building of Self Help Group (SHG) with an objective to create awareness and impact skills in the field of dairy processing and fruits and vegetables preservation and to mobilise groups to take up vocation in the areas specially for the rural farm women;
(b) if so, the details thereof; and
(c) the number of such awareness programmes organised and proposed to be organised in the near future, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) As per information received from Indian Council of Agricultural research (ICAR); National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal has established a Women Empowerment Lab in its Dairy Extension Division in 2013 for capacity building of Self Help Group (SHG) with the objective to create awareness and impart skills in the field of dairy processing, fruits and vegetables preservation and to mobilise groups to take up vocation in the areas specially for the rural farm women. NDRI has not proposed for expansion in its coverage.
(c) A total number of 204 awareness programmes including on-campus women empowerment training programmes were organised in the State of Haryana in the field of dairying.
In addition to above, role for women in the membership and leadership of dairy cooperatives has been promoted by National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). As on March, 2019, about 50.6 lakh women (30% of the total members) are members of dairy cooperative societies and there are 34,000 exclusive women dairy cooperative societies in the country. Additionally, about 3.02 lakh women have been enrolled as members of 6 Milk Producer Companies accounting for about 40% of their total membership.

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