(a) whether it is a fact that the more area can be irrigated adopting drip irrigation using less amount of water in comparison to area that can be irrigated adopting flow irrigation, if so, the details thereof along with the per hectare ratio of water that is required for drip and flow irrigation;

(b) whether the yield of various crops using drip irrigation with water soluble fertilizers is higher than the conventional fertilizers in the country;

(c) if so, the details thereof along with the steps taken by the Government to promote drip irrigation with water soluble fertilizers in the country;

(d) whether the import of the water soluble fertilizers have increased during each of the last three years and the current year, if so, the details thereof, country- wise and the reasons therefor along with the names of Indian companies producing water soluble fertilizers in the country, company-wise; and

(e) the other steps taken/being taken by the Government to promote indigenous production of the water soluble fertilizers in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes, Madam. It is a fact that more area can be irrigated adopting Micro Irrigation including Drip Irrigation using less amount of water in comparison to area that can be irrigated adopting flow irrigation. Studies conducted on the aspect have revealed that (i) irrigated area has increased from same source of water by 8.41% on an average with the use of Micro Irrigation Systems and (ii) the water use efficiency in conventional irrigation ranges from 30% to 50% whereas it is 80% to 95% in the case of Micro Irrigation including Drip Irrigation.

(b) & (c): Crop experiments have shown that use of water soluble fertilizers through drip irrigation can result in savings in water (15-40%) and fertilizer (20 – 50%). Crop wise details regarding saving in water and fertilizer due to use of water soluble fertilizers at various location is enclosed as Annexure – I. Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) imparts training, organizes field demonstrations to educate farmers on advantages of use of water soluble fertilizers.

(d) & (e): Water soluble fertilizer are not covered under the subsidy scheme of Government of India and prices of water soluble fertilizer are not a controlled item. Therefore, no data regarding import of water soluble fertilizers is maintained. Names of Indian companies producing water soluble fertilizers in the country is available at Annexure-II.

Seventeen grades of water soluble fertilizers have been notified so far under the Fertilizer (Control) Order, 1985 to ensure availability of quality water soluble fertilizers to the farmers.