Question : Enrolment of female students in Women colleges

a) the State-wise number of women Government colleges and Universities and co-education colleges and Universities in the country as on August 2020;

b) the State-wise and course-wise enrolment of female students in women colleges and universities in the country in each of the last six years;

c) the State-wise and course-wise enrolment of female students in co-education colleges and universities in the country in each of the last six years;

d) whether it is true that female students in rural areas in the country enroll less in co-education colleges and universities than women-only ones; and

e) if so, the details thereof and whether any opinion survey has been conducted by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister



(a): The State-wise number of Government colleges and Universities exclusively for women and others Colleges and Universities in the country as per AISHE 2019-20 is placed as Annexure-1.

(b): The State-wise and course-wise enrolment of female students in government women colleges and universities in the country in each of the last six years is placed at Annexure-2.

(c): The State-wise and course-wise enrolment of female students in government colleges and universities other than those which are exclusively for women in the country in each of the last six years is placed at Annexure-3.

(d)&(e): The data on enrolment under AISHE is not collected based on the residence status (Rural/Urban) of the students. As such, there is no conclusive evidence to say that female students in rural areas in the country enroll less in co-education colleges and universities than women-only ones.


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