Question : PDS Allocation to Maharashtra

(a) the names of the commodities and the quantum thereof received by Maharashtra through PDS from the Union Government during the last three years;

(b) the number of households along with the number of members who have received these commodities through PDS;

(c) the rates at which each household receives commodities through PDS along with the details of the commodities;

(d) whether the shopkeepers or agents of PDS receive their commission timely and if so, the details thereof during the last three years; and

(e) the details of the commodities which are provided by the Union Government to the State Government of Maharashtra through PDS?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (e): The commodities allocated by Government of India through Public Distribution System are foodgrains that include rice, wheat & nutri-cereals in addition to sugar and kerosene oil.

Department of Food & Public Distribution makes allocation of foodgrains to the States/UTs under Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) in terms of National Food Security Act(NFSA), 2013. Under the Act eligible households, which comprise of Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) households and priority households, are entitled to receive foodgrains @ Rs 1/2/3 per kg for nutri-cereals/wheat/rice respectively.


Government of Maharashtra implemented NFSA, 2013 w.e.f February, 2014 onwards. On the basis of identification of beneficiaries reported by the State Government, foodgrains for 700.17 lakh beneficiaries which include 108.01 lakh beneficiaries covered under 25.05 lakh AAY households. The details of foodgrain distributed under PDS in respect in respect of Maharashtra during last three years is as under:
(figures in MT)
Commodity Year Allocation Offtake
Rice 2016-17 2021100 1850765
2017-18 2021100 1864673
2018-19 2021100 1839410
2019-20* 1515825 1286010
Wheat 2016-17 2584092 2387280
2017-18 2584092 2385980
2018-19 2584092 2208970
2019-20* 1938069 1645697
*-upto the month of December, 2019

A new dispensation for distribution of sugar under PDS was put in place after de-regulation of sugar sector w.e.f June, 2013, wherein States/UTs were required to procure sugar from open market through a transparent system for meeting their PDS requirement and the Central Government was to reimburse a fixed subsidy to the participating States/UTs @ Rs.18.50 per kg for the quantity of sugar so distributed by them; limited to their fixed quota for the targeted Below Poverty Line (BPL) population(inclusive of poorest of poor person in the country i.e. AAY families) and all the population of North Eastern States/ Special Category States/ Hilly States and Island Territories. The annual quota of sugar of Maharashtra for distribution in PDS for BPL families was 176024 MT including festival quota. The Central Government has discontinued the instant sugar subsidy scheme and decided to continue it for AAY families with effect from June, 2017. The Central Government is reimbursing a fixed subsidy of Rs. 18.50 per kg @ 1 Kg per month per AAY family to participating States/UTs. The annual quota of sugar of Maharashtra for distribution in PDS for AAY families is 30064 MT.
The States/UTs are also allowed either to absorb the additional cost on account of handling, transportation and dealer’s commission or pass it on to the consumer by adding it to the Retail Issue Price (RIP) of Rs. 13.50 per kg under PDS.


Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas makes allocation of PDS Kerosene on quarterly basis to States/UTs including Maharashtra. The allocation of PDS Superior Kerosene Oil(SKO) to the State of Maharashtra during the last three years is as under:

Year Quantity allocated in KL
2016-17 563640
2017-18 384696
2018-19 286680
2019-20 106528

Responsibility for distribution of foodgrains, sugar and kerosene within the State/UT rests with the concerned State/UT Government wherein the responsibilities of identification of beneficiaries, issuance of ration cards to them and proper distribution of foodgrains to the eligible beneficiaries through fair price shops (FPSs) rest with the concerned State/UT Government.

Government of India provides Central assistance to States/UTs for meeting expenditure incurred towards intra-State movement & handling of foodgrains and fair price shop dealers’ margin as per the provisions of Food Security(Assistance to State Governments) Rules, 2015 notified under NFSA. The responsibility of margin to fair price shop dealers rest with the concerned State/UT.


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