Question : Demand and Supply of Nuclear Fuel

(a) whether there is a gap between demand and supply of nuclear fuel to Nuclear Power Plants of the country;

(b)if so, the details thereof for each of the last three years and the current year,State-wise and plant-wise and the reasons therefor;

(c) whether the Government has signed agreements with foreign countries to bridge the said gap;

(d)if so, the details thereof along with the nuclear fuel supplied by the foreigncountries during the said period, country-wise;

(e)the details of the indigenous supply of nuclear fuel to Nuclear Power Plants across the country during the said period, Plant-wise; and

(f)the steps taken/being taken by the Government to ensure adequate supply of nuclear fuel to Nuclear Power Plants?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b) There are currently twenty one (21) reactors with an installed capacity of 5780 MW. In addition, Kudankulam Unit-2 (KKNPP-2 1000 MW) has recently been connected to the grid and is presently generating infirm (non-commercial) power. The unit is expected to start commercial operation by the end of the year. Of the 22 reactors, 14 with a capacity of 4380 MW are under IAEA Safeguards and use imported uranium which is available in adequate quantity. Eight (8) reactors with aggregate capacity of 2400 MW are fuelled by indigenous uranium, of which there was a demand supply mismatch earlier leading to their being operated at lower power levels. This resulted in their lower capacity utilization. However, as a result of the efforts of the Government in augmentation of fuel, the Plant Load Factor (PLF) of the reactors fuelled by indigenous uranium has improved. There is presently no mismatch and the reactors are being operated close to their rated capacity.

(c)Pursuant to the Civil Nuclear cooperation, contractual agreements were entered into with foreign suppliers to meet the fuel requirements of the Safeguarded Nuclear Power Plants. On the other hand, fuel requirements of the Outside Safeguarded Nuclear Power Plants are met through indigenous supplies from UCIL.

(d)The details of import of nuclear fuel are tabulated below:

Year M/s. JSC TVEL Corporation, M/s. JSC NAC Kazatomprom, M/s. CAMECO, Canada
Russia Kazakhstan
Quantity (MT) Quantity (MT) Quantity (MT)
2013-14 296.31 460 -
2014-15 296.54 283.4 -
2015-16 303.78 Nil 250.74

2016-17 125.76 999.807 742.7
(up to 22.11.2016)

* Enriched Uranium Dioxide Pellets.

(e)It is not in the public interest to disclose the indigenous supply of nuclear fuel to Nuclear Power Plants in the country.

(f)Consequent upon the Civil Nuclear cooperation, the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) has been importing Uranium Ore to meet the Fuel requirements of safeguarded Nuclear Power Plants. Pursuant to the receipt of nuclear fuel from foreign sources, all the safeguarded nuclear power plants in the country are operating at full capacity.


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