Minister of State in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION ( SHRI K. C. VENUGOPAL )
(a) and (b): Yes Madam. Operations in domestic sector have been deregulated and it is up
to the airlines to provide air services to specific places depending upon the traffic
demand and commercial viability while complying with Route Dispersal Guidelines.
(c) to (e): With a view to achieve better regulation of air transport services taking
into account the need of air transport services of different regions of the country
including North-East (NE) region, Jammu & Kashmir, Andaman & Nicobar Island and
Lakshdweep, the Government has laid down Route Dispersal Guidelines (RDG). In accordance
with these RDG, all Scheduled Airlines who operate on Category-I (Metro) routes are
required to deploy 10% of the capacity deployed on Category-I routes, on Category- II
routes. Category-II routes are those connecting stations in NE region, J & K, A & N and
Lakshadweep. The operator are also required to deploy at least 50% in Category III (small
cities) of the capacity he deploys in Category I route.