(a) the details of profit and loss of the Mormugao Port Trust during the last three years, year-wise;

(b) whether the Government is aware that a large number of vacancies exist and have not been filled up for long in the said port;

(c) if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether any irregularity in filling up the vacancies have come to the notice of the Government;

(e) if so, the details thereof; and

(f) the remedial measures adopted by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The details of operating and net surplus of Mormugao Port Trust during the last three years are as under:-

(Rs. in Crores)
OPERATIMG EXPENSES 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04
1. Operating Income 187.56 187.59 207.69

2. Operating Expenditure 132.73 128.32 134.73

3. Operating surplus 54.83 59.27 72.96

4. Total Income 196.95 195.45 215.16

5. Total Expenditure 189.23 172.09 187.79 6. Net Surplus 7.72 23.36 27.37

(b)&(c): Against a total strength of 4538 employees, 130 posts are lying vacant in Mormugao Port Trust. In addition, 1056 posts deem to have lapsed as these vacancies were more than one year old. Keeping in view surplus manpower in the Major Ports, Government had suggested measures for reduction of manpower such as reducing the age of retirement of port employees from 60 to 58 years and imposed restrictions on filling up of direct recruitment (entry level) vacancies during September,2000. Hence, the direct recruitment vacancies could not be filled up. However, the Government has subsequently during December,2003 revised the earlier instructions and has permitted the Ports to fill up 1/3rd of direct recruitment vacancies subject to 1% of total strength of the organisation and subject to approval of the Government. Accordingly, the Port has initiated action in this regard.

(d) No, Sir.

(e)&(f) Do not arise.